[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 30 points 1 week ago

Best AI rant hands-down. I can agree with every word there.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 43 points 2 weeks ago

There is no good strategy or good outcome with Huawei. CCP virtually controls any Chinese economic entity and has appetite for "secrets" of the West. Embracing Huawei would've been as bad as outcasting it. We're at the point where I hesitate to buy most things that originated in China.

submitted 1 month ago by droopy4096@lemmy.ca to c/woodworking@lemmy.ca

I'm trying to make my own window sills in our new house. We have windows rather deep so depth is around 9in and wide - 42/60in. I'm looking at read oak vs douglas fir. Red oak is mainly available in sub 8in cuts. The only one I found in 9in is 3/4 thick. Would that be sufficient to support plant pots or potentially human sitting on them? However Fir I can get in various sizes so I was looking at 1in thick.

Which one would be more practical? Oak at 3/4 or Fir at 1in?

My reading was that fir is sufficiently softer so plant pots may leave imprints etc. or am I wrong there?

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 42 points 2 months ago

doom-and-gloom from a website centered on real estate (investment) and as Canada closes loopholes on foreign investment in real estate... timing is suspicious. Lack of similar coverage elsewhere doubly so.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 13 points 2 months ago

that's "disaster capitalism (read N. Klein for full understanding of what that entails) mixed with a real sh#tty situation in Gaza that was brewing for a long time. For all I can tell selected elite (on both sides) lines their pockets nicely while people are bring brainwashed and dying on both sides. On some days I really despise humanity...

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 41 points 3 months ago

manufacturer may very well integrate add and update endpoints so that it's rather hard to distinguish. For example, say Samsung decides to serve adds and updates. Doing so through https://serives.samsung.com/{ads,updares} they leave you with 0 handle on what's going on, since the only thing your routers and proxies can see is "samsung.com" and differentiator is "hidden" after that. So TLDR; is: you either allow internet access or you do not, there's no "a little bit"

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 19 points 7 months ago

Trouble is: Koch brothers are very much into the same things as Trump is but they want to be able to control POTUS not having to deal with lose cannon that shoots everything and everyone and is only predictable in his unpredictability. So I'd think that the same policies would be pushed forward but without as much drama and publicity. In the end everyone will end up just as screwed.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 11 points 7 months ago

gigantomania is a thing in Austin, so, yeah, oversized gavel comes with the territory

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 22 points 7 months ago

All kinds of conspiracy theories are running through my head in light of further departures.

  1. Board has asked Altman to do something shady, he said he'd do it but really he didn't and they've got pissed firing him. Folks who were viewed as his "clique" naturally got worried and left before their names get tarnished.
  2. Altman and a group of supporters were up to no good, board got a whiff of it and fired him, and everyone involved saw the writing on the wall and resigned
  3. Board was shaping things up for acquisition, Altman opposed and was shown the door. Folks close enough to him understood the consequence and quit with their resumes clean of what's to come. ...

so many things will remain unknown for the nearest future it's hard to tell who's lying about what.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 13 points 7 months ago

self-hosting is great but that still means datacenter someplace. I've been using GitLab for some time now and CodeBerg "feels weird" to me. But then it could be my biases and "muscle memory". I'd say whatever feels right for you.

Unlike other big name Git hosting company who chose to use AI to "steal" from hosted projects other two did not stoop that low. So there's that.

submitted 7 months ago by droopy4096@lemmy.ca to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I've tried several clients now, and unlike Reddit clients I cannot locate any of the posts/comments I've upvoted in the past? Is that a bug/feature of the platform?

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 19 points 8 months ago

@mgdigital, first thing I'be noticed: reliance on "heavier" database stack (pg + redis), at least from the first glance at docker-compose. My suggestion would be to have an option for minimalist setup with sqlite and without redis if possible. That would work better for those of us flying with minimal hardware (rpi, old PC and such).

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 22 points 9 months ago

So the person advocating to solve housing crisis is spinsored by big real estate? Smells aquatic here... gills and all. There's a rodent in this pile, that everyone will forget to look for untill it's too late.

[-] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 20 points 10 months ago

combined with idea of progressive property taxes: https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/canadas-competition-bureau-ordered-pay-nearly-10-mln-rogers-shaw-2023-08-30/

tax high value properties and use money to help less privileged


I just found out that sometime in the last month or so while doing regular updates Wine got bumped to 8.12... (likely from 8.0) and my games have gone haywire: Neverwinter Nights and Diablo2 would kind of start but then halt. Switching to desktop and back unblocks games for the next few seconds and then things repeat.

I've downgraded wine to 7.12 and things are working back.

Question: should I have done some migration step for 8.12 to work properly or is it even a known issue?

I am using PlayOnLinux for Diablo2 with System Wine and Vanilla System wine for NWN.

(crossposted from reddit)

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