My PI has 2 walls covered in cork board in the hall outside our meeting room. Every paper we publish gets pinned there. It is the "Profesional" equivalent of getting your report card put on the fridge, we have a whole pinning ceremony and everything.
Don't worry about Roundup causing cancer, ~~a washed up former greenpeace hack turned shill suckling at the teat of companies responsible for the declining state of the world~~ Patrick Moore assured me that it is non dangerous. It is even perfectly safe to drink a quart of it!
An old granny bard, based in no small part on my own grandma. She doesn't channel her magic through song or dance, but through her sassy remarks, telling stories about her childhood, and making baked goods, sweets, and presents for her adopted grandkids (the adventuring party).
Bardic Inspiration? Reminding you how much she loves you and is proud of you. Alternatively, giving you some candy for later or promising that if you do well, she will bake you a pie or take you out for icecream for being so brave.
Healing spells? Blown kisses, band-aids, and warm cookies.
Hypnotic Pattern/Hold Person/etc? Telling a rambling story (that she forgot what the point/moral was before she even started) but the enemies are too polite to interrupt her.
Dissonant Whispers/Visious Mockery/etc? Asking when you are going to get a boyfriend/girlfriend, graduate, get married, or get a real job. Telling bad (and slightly innapropriate) jokes, for her own amusement, often messing up the punchline. Asking if you have talked your mother recently ("You know, she won't be around forever, and I am sure she wishes you'd write more.") Simply saying "Bless your heart."
Party Buffs? Giving you knickknacks, homemade gifts, or old hand-me-downs she really thinks you'll like. Passing down age-earned wisdom and giving encouragement to just try your best. Making breakfast for the party, using far too much butter, cream, and other artery clogging goodness.
I didn't know the European Space Agency organized E3. Learn something new every day.
Sometimes stuff does. Othertimes, it is more open for debate. As a rule, I like to imagine that stuff might, but only if it will make stuff more confusing.
This is the truth. I am a few months away from getting my PhD in particle physics and the core questions being raised in all levels of the field at the edges of our decent big-picture understanding are so exciting.
Not just guitar audio! I own a tube amp for my guitar and 2 tube amps for driving my higher-end headphones! They are neat little pieces of electronics history, not just in how they run, but also because most of the best tubes are old military surplus. My oldest pair are from 1945 and were made for early army/navy radar systems.
A true Sapphic Barbie Utopia is too powerful for normies to gel with
It was one of our family dogs, and we all loved her dearly. I was playing on the couch and fell off, landing on her tail and hurting her. She instictually snapped and it resulted in, unfortunately, the worst possible outcome (it is shitty, but it is one of my first well formed memories). Despite it being a freak one off, my parents couldn't feel safe given what happened and rehomed her to a family friend who didn't have children. She lived a long happy life and my dad still got to see her regularly, as he was heartbroken that he had to make this choice. I personally don't think my parents letting their kid play around the family dog, one that they had since before I was born, should have their faces readjusted.
I had a decent section of my right side of my face forcibly removed via a dog bite when I was 3. The cosmetic surgeon did an amazing job putting my face back together (no visible scarring other than the puncture mark and my eyelid acts weird sometimes), but the rip started at the corner of my eye, and as a result, that hole never healed up quite right.
It is about the size of a grain of rice and is really annoying. When I blow my nose, it acts as the third escape route for any congestion, which is gross as hell, popping my ears ranges from tricky to impossible, the eye is more watery than the other, and when I cry because my parents treated me like the fuck up that I truly am and I am undeserving of love, that eye is prone to irritation. I can make a really high pitch whine from it on demand though, so it is all worth it!
Cries in Texas Graduate Student who is legally prevented from unionizing 🫠
Having to petition my university for basic considerations (not owing back tution to the university despite being employed by them, getting health care covered, getting pay raises so we can afford to live where we work) has been hell without any union support.
Fuck Texas, can't wait to finish up here and move.
I was a long-hair male teenager in Texas and got to experience this first-hand. Besides the frequent disparraging comments from teachers and staff, I was also kicked off the track/CC team for my hair because I "Didn't match the image the school wanted to present at athletic events." I had a 4.0GPA, was active in school activities, enrolled in all AP/Pre-AP classes, and was, most importantly, good at and enjoyed running. As a freshman I ran a 5:20 mile, 12:10 two mile, and <20min 5K and was up for varsity consideration in my sophomore year. Despite this, the coach told me, point-blank, that I could only stay on the team if I cut my hair above the ear.
My parents, pissed, yelled at every school admin they could get a meeting with to no avail. Ultimately, even the principle was impotent, apologizing for how this must be "upsetting" but saying that she couldn't do anything. Apparently the athletics coordinator who made the rule didn't report to the principle, but to the district athletics office. My parents told me they would be behind me to fight it up the chain, but I decided that the experience had ruined competetive running for me and moved on.
The enforcement of white, christian, heteronormative values to teens' hair is so insideous. It is used for racism against black teens with braids, homophobia/transphobia against queer teens who don't conform with gender stereotypes, and in my case, just to be fascist assholes to a white cis-het teen boy with long hair. Nowadays I am covered in tattoos, oscillate between long/short/natural/neon hair, and have never felt like a better representative of my institution. I am about to get my PhD, was the president of my department's graduate student association, have taught and ran summer and afterschool science programs for under-represented kids, and fought for (and gotten) better compensation for graduate employees at my school.
Fuck every petty school admin who supports this shit, I am proud of my image, I am proud of teenage me for holding onto his individuality, and I hope that any teenagers in a similar situation can feel proud of themselves too, regardless of how they express.