[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 35 points 9 hours ago

There ought to be more people in that list. But it's a start. Good that they put the warrants out for both Hamas and Israel leaders. They all deserve to be arrested and tried for their bullshit.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 6 points 9 hours ago

Exactly. It's a fucking gamble.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 54 points 17 hours ago

What a bunch of fucking crooks. My god.

"An investor deserves to make their money back," Gordon said. "And there is real money at stake."

"I'm looking at some of these bonds that were traded that we helped create. And that's when I had the aha moment," Gordon said. "There's a great opportunity to have a good business."

The business is to buy these bundles of mortgages for sometimes pennies on the dollar. Some of them were worthless. The people who borrowed the money would never pay it back. But other mortgages might be worth something. And for the second mortgages, that was particularly true if you were willing to wait.

They don't even factor in the people, the humans living in these homes and how it may affect their lives. For them it's all business and money. God I fucking hate business people.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 10 points 23 hours ago

"Socialist" things like public infrastructure, and yes, public healthcare, would be supported by individual libertarianism.


[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 17 points 1 day ago

Working at Tesla be like...

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 day ago

Well fuck. If that ain't textbook apartheid then I don't know what it is.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 34 points 2 days ago

Well well well. How the turn tables. /s

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 12 points 2 days ago

How fucking gullible can you get? Either that or they're being major hypocrites.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 54 points 3 days ago

It's always about money isn't it?

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 55 points 3 days ago

When I was a poor student I pirated everything. Music, software, games, you name it.

Now that I have a good stable income, I pay for the things I want because I want to encourage artists and developers. But corporations and capitalism are ruining it all.

So, I'm changing my habits. Paying money where it actually has a significant impact on the creators, (like going to live concerts and shows, buying albums directly from the artist or from their own site, buying indie games from small studios, going to watch movies from studios that respect their employees and artists and unions) and pirating the ever loving shit out of everything else coming out of a large corporation.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 32 points 3 days ago

I guess some lives matter more than others... To Republicans anyway.

[-] cyborganism@lemmy.ca 58 points 4 days ago

2009 - Oracle buys Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion


Everything Oracle touches turns to utter shit.

submitted 1 week ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca
submitted 1 week ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 weeks ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

Le Bagel Burlesque Expo est ce weekend. Si vous cherchez quelque chose à faire ce weekend je vous recommande vraiment d'aller voir au moins un des deux shows. C'est vraiment malade. À chaque fois j'ai trippé ma vie. Hautement recommandé!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/manga@lemmy.ml

We are having Japanese guests over for the week and one of them mentioned this manga called "Besuke desu kebesu". It's about this very conservative school girl who apparently has a lot of thoughts about boys and there is a mischievous invisible demon that tries to make her acknowledge her thoughts and enable her to realize her imaginary fantasies or something?

Would any of you by any chance have ever heard of this manga and would know the title in either English or French?

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Even though this article is about the U.S. there is a clear parallel with the Canadian food industry.

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/movies@lemmy.world

When I was 7, our class was brought to a neighboring elementary school to watch a projection of a short movie. It was about different nations of different colors, one blue, one yellow, and one red. Something happened and they all went to war against each other trying to paint each other with their own nation's color. This movie was incredible and really left a mark in my memory.

I only found it recently. It's called Rainbow War. I'm trying to find a physical copy of it, or even a digital copy if possible. The only place I could find it was on Amazon for nearly 100$ CAD. That seems excessive for a short film. Would anyone know of any other source to purchase it or, heck, even download it?

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca
submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Most companies I've worked at where employees had a Microsoft work computers. They were under heavy control, even with admin privileges. I was wondering, for a corporate environment, how employees'Linux desktops could be kept under control in a similar way. What would be an open source or Linux based alternative to the following:

  • policy control
  • Software Center with software allow lists
  • controlled OS updates
  • zscaler
  • software detection tool to detect what's been installed and determine if any unallowed software is present
  • antivirus
  • VPN

I can think of a few things, like a company having it's own software repos, or using an atomic distribution. There's already open source VPN solutions if course. But for everything else I don't really know what could be used or what setup we could have.

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/linuxgaming@jlai.lu

J'utilise Linux depuis bientôt un quart de siècle. Je me rappelle encore ma première distro à l'école au cégep (un genre de collège au Québec). C'était RedHat 6. Chez moi j'ai installé Mandrake sur mon PC. J'avais tellement eu de la difficulté à trouver et installer les modules pour ma carte graphique et faire fonctionner l'Internet par DSL. J'avais réussi mais ça a pris pas mal de mon temps. Le gaming à cette époque était quasi inexistant sous Linux à part une poignée de jeux compilés pour l'os. J'ai donc toujours eu un système en dual boot avec Windows pour les jeux.

20 ans plus tard et Steam arriva avec sa console. Tout à coup je commence à voir des publications sur Reddit à propos de gens qui jouent à leurs jeux sur Linux. J'observe attentivement et je vois qu'il y a encore quelques petits problèmes alors j'attends. Puis enfin, l'an dernier j'ai décidé de faire le test. J'ai lu plein de tutos sur comment faire et ça me semble assez simple. Alors j'ai fait un essai. Installé Steam et le jeu Ghost Runner.

Lorsque j'ai vu le jeu démarrer et que j'ai commencé à jouer, j'ai presque hurlé. La simplicité d'installer le jeu et de l'exécuteur et de voir que tout fonctionne à perfection avec toutes les options que ma carte graphique pouvait offrir, c'était impensable il n'y a même pas 10 ans.

De devoir télécharger le code source d'un module de carte graphique et devoir recompiler son kernel juste pour avoir l'accélération 3D et de travailler pendant un mois à lire de la documentation et essayer de faire fonctionner MS Office sur Wine, à simplement cliquer pour lancer un jeu moderne complet sans problèmes, c'est incroyable. C'est l'équivalent de passer d'une Ford modèle T qu'on démarre avec une manivelle à une voiture électrique moderne.

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Very recently I started noticing something weird every time I launched Firefox. Whether it's a normal session or private session it always happens. When I launch the application there is a small pop-up window that appears with squares of colors, like primary colors, blue, red, yellow. It appears for a fraction of a second. Has anyone else noticed this?

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca

Est-ce que je suis le seul à être tanné d'endurer la fumée de cigarette de cet enfoiré de merde qui fume toujours sur les quais et même dans les wagons du métro, même à l'heure de pointe? Il a vraiment une face d'envie de chier et personne n'ose le confronter, car ça semble assez évident que c'est ça qu'il cherche. Ou sinon il le fait parce que personne n'ose dire un mot et créer un conflit. Il m'écoeure au plus haut degré.

Il est pas mal toujours habillé de la même façon. L'avez-vous déjà remarqué? Le connaissez vous?

submitted 1 month ago by cyborganism@lemmy.ca to c/montreal@lemmy.ca
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