[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 17 points 2 days ago

Well you see the president is elected democratically unlike in Germany where the Nazis were never....oh....

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago

With everyone in my family, it's been letting them know they have love and support until they are ready to make the change for themselves. Now my uncle is finally doing better and is grateful we stuck by him during his hard times (even if it was tough love at times.) He's lucky to have a friend as good as you!

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 1 points 4 days ago

This looks cute! I'm going to check it out.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 7 points 4 days ago

Henry Cavill feels like a caricature of a nerd. Happy for him!

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 7 points 4 days ago

I do it in my apartment all the time! If I was in a setting with the right crowd and the right rules I would love to, but I haven't found it yet.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago

Thanks! I don't mind the presence of children characters, but I don't feel comfortable with the sexualization of children, and prefer narratives with adult protagonists.

An important exception to this is like the movie 'the Florida Project' which beautifully used children's perspective to tell the story.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 10 points 4 days ago

Are there any popular anime where the characters aren't children?

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 10 points 4 days ago

I think Russians constitute an exception that demonstrates how absurd the framework of race is. Actually, race is a means to simplify and create a mass ideology to support national oppression. I.e. someone is exploitable because they 'look' like a certain 'race'. In actuality, 'race' is a paper put over a political-power relationship. This is not to say that race does not radically structure and effect people's lives! Anti-blackness and racism are very real and very harmful institutions.

They myth of 'race' requires biologically distinct 'races' that have different innate worths. Ethnic russians create a paradox in this system because on the one hand they meet the white aesthetic ideal, but on the other hand, the Russian state's interests are diametrically opposed to the Western States' interests.

[CW: ethnic slur for Russians] This is why you see the absurd anti-Russian 'orcs' propaganda. Because Russians are aesthetically 'white' none of the established racist tropes can be applied because there is not enough supposed difference between Russians and 'white' Westerners. That's why it falls so flat and feels so forced, in my opinion.

submitted 1 week ago by bubbalu@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

anything interesting and fairly melodic bc my headphones are mid and I can't have the volume up too high. I been listening to a lot of TVZ and techno so obv genre is not important. Would like to start an album and finish it by time I'm at work, or have one that can last for the whole roundtrip.


I am home safe thanks to a friend, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about dealing with this. The car is dead as a doornail but I don't know how to handle disposing of it. Never done it before. Any advice?

So tired and frustrated. This is going to mess me up so bad.


20 years' service a gender neutral bathroom.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 49 points 1 month ago

I don't know if it makes 100% tactical sense but the symbol of resillience is really powerful.


Solidarity with the brave students!

submitted 1 month ago by bubbalu@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

All of my plants are next to the two spots I usually sit down. So when I have my big water cup out, I share a little with my plants and maybe pet their leafs for a second. It makes me happy to share my cuppy of water with my little plants. Apparently, this works really well and they are all growing like crazy! One of my fellas is huge now but I am kinda scared to repot though because I never done it before.


All of my plants are next to the two spots I usually sit down. So when I have my big water cup out, I share a little with my plants and maybe pet their leafs for a second. It makes me happy to share my cuppy of water with my little plants. Apparently, this works really well and they are all growing like crazy! One of my fellas is huge now but I am kinda scared to repot though because I never done it before.


I became a teacher last year and the amount of incredible, complex, highly coordinated dancing they pretty much all do is incredible. I saw a 5 year old do a whacky fortnite squat dance into a back handspring. What?!

At least I could teach them the Macarena so I had something to offer because goddamn.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by bubbalu@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

deleted by creator



submitted 2 months ago by bubbalu@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

I'm trying to volunteer at the Prepare the Ground Festival so I can see Ragana but I don't have ticket or hotel money.


The soul and body of Amerikkka was writ large. Thousands in their thousands coming back from the most proximal experience of Hashem they are wont to experience, bumper to bumper (cheek to cheek) on the highway, miles turning into hours like the journeys of old, their chariot becoming more and more like a sardine can coffin, turning for reprieve for body and bowel to the rest stop, only to find it painted and reeking.

The 10 miles made into 3 hours made into 1 wet log or splash or mound are a greater trinity than the catholic.

That brown bordering on green bordering on yellow was more the eclipse than the ding an sich.

submitted 2 months ago by bubbalu@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

So far, I really really liked 'Social Democracy: an Alternate History'

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 45 points 3 months ago

Ghana produces around 20% of the world's cacao but captures less than 1% of total global chocolate revenue. Neighbor Cote d'Ivoire produces another 50%. There are special GAT mandatory tariffs on chocolates and other finished confections which make it basically impossible for these two countries to produce their own domestic chocolate industry. So while cacao farmers work grueling 12+ hour days, few have ever actually tried chocolate.

Both countries were colonized by France which imposed a lot of cacao manufacture which is why the major chocolate company is Nestle. Further, while France is not the sovereign of its own currency since it is part of the Eurozone, it is the sovereign of the CFA Franc which is the national currency of 14 countries in the region. This is a textbook example of neocolonialism and a great propaganda point if studied. The recent 'military juntas' in the area are actually nationalist left-wing officers' coups which have expelled French military presence and worked to build meaningfully sovereignty. There is a lot of handwringing about the extreme poverty and instability of West Africa. france-cool is a major contributor. These are not poor countries, only overexploited countries.

Ghana is not under the CFA dictatorship however. Under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah, it broke decisively from French imperialism.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 47 points 6 months ago

Biden realizes the decisive Arab vote in Michigan and Minnesota will cost him the election more than the Zionist-Jewish vote and pivots to Palestine. In a moment of tenuous solidarity, the USS Gerald Ford allows Ansar Allah militants aboard so as not to be the direct force enforcing the blockade on Caesaria Port.

[-] bubbalu@hexbear.net 47 points 9 months ago

Reddit is the heart of petty bourgeoise discontent. Its telling that even people who look like they have it good to us are also discontent and feel precarious. Their attachment to the proletarian cause is thin and not only certain, but as the crisis of capitalism intensifies, more and more of them will enter/be dumped in our camp.

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