[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 45 points 1 month ago

People behind ISO 216 thought of everyting

how to make a good standard:

step 1: copy from DIN


[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 65 points 1 month ago

. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together

eliza could do that 60 years ago

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 96 points 2 months ago

Our societies have not previously tolerated spaces that are beyond the reach of law enforcement, where criminals can communicate safely and child abuse can flourish.

I am pretty sure, churches were "tolerated spaces" bevor e2ee was a thing.

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 55 points 2 months ago

its zero-trust architecture is programmed in a memory-safe language with no supply chain to monitor!

this is good.

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 62 points 2 months ago
  1. Users are finally figuring out that some Linux distros are easy to use

so recommending arch linux to newbies was counter productive all along?


[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 72 points 3 months ago

As usual, the US is already one step ahead: they cut out the middleman by skiping a step.

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 46 points 3 months ago

but then they can still set colors, that we don't. Or at least there are some colors they can differentiate between, that we can't.

e.g if they have a receptor for orange, yellow and red, then can differentiate between pure orange and orange that is 50% red and 50% yellow.

So both is true: We have more colors (because of brain-things), but they still have some colors, that we don't (because of receptors).

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 47 points 3 months ago

e-reader were a gamechanger for me.

on one side they are super convinient, because of the backlight alone.

on the other side: piracy

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 95 points 3 months ago

the linux-file-deletion is used as a example for good software design. It has a very simple interface with little room for error while doing exactly what the caller intended.

In John Ousterhout's "software design philosophy" a chapter is called "define errors out of existence". In windows "delete" is defined as "the file is gone from the HDD". So it must wait for all processes to release that file. In Linux "unlink" is defined as "the file can't be accessed anymore". So the file is gone from the filesystem immediately and existing file-handles from other processes will life on.

The trade-off here is: "more errors for the caller of delete" vs "more errors due to filehandles to dead files". And as it turns out, the former creates issues for both developers and for users, while the later creates virtually no errors in practice.

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 110 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Latex: Problem --> \def\please@#1#2#3#4{\e@kill#2#3{\me#1}#4@now} -->

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 45 points 4 months ago


it's worth the read, but the conclusion at the end is important

Who cares?

Well, everyone who uses a computer should, particularly if we consider what might have happened if Microsoft hadn’t abused their market power. When a monopolist abuses their power, customers all lose, because they don’t get to enjoy the more rapid improvements that robust competition provides. It’s one of the key reasons we think competition is a good thing.

[...] But lastly, and this is the big one for me, we might not have a monoculture of operating system on the Internet with such a poor security model.

[...] Imagine a world where Symantec didn’t exist, because viruses weren’t so easy to write and spread to all the world’s computers. Imagine a world where spam didn’t constitute 90% of all email because it wasn’t so easy to take over a PC and turn it into a botnet zombie. Imagine not having to do impromptu tech-support for family members who accidentally installed a bunch of spyware.

[...]Imagine all the time and money that has been, and continues to be, spent on fixing all of the issues that a better security model 10-15 years ago might have avoided.

In Summary

Microsoft have made (or bought) some excellent products, as they continue to do. There are many wise, capable, and perfectly reasonable people who work there, what with it being a big company and all. This is not a company that is an unrestrained force for evil in the world.


Microsoft have a history of abusing market dominance in order to exclude competitors. Many of the top management running the company at the time are still there, running the company today.

Perhaps there will be no repeat performances, but there are very good reasons for greeting rhetoric from Microsoft regarding their openness with some scepticism.

Inflammatory headline aside, let me be clear that I don’t hate Microsoft. But I can understand why there are those who do.

[-] bort@sopuli.xyz 39 points 4 months ago

I don't see how "scammers creating scam repos" [2] is newsworthy at all. At least the headline seems like a big nothing-burger to me.

farther down in the article are 2 interesting informations, namely this diagram [1] and the fact that scammers seem to have moved from pip to github, and then started to use forks to make their scam-clones appear more believable.

[1] https://apiiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Malicious-Package-Timeline.png

[2] 1000 guys make 1000 clones of 1000 legit libraries, and than create 1000 forks of their clones, to make them seem more legit than the original lib. 999 of each 1000 clones get autofiltered by github

--> 100010001000*1000/1000 = infected repos(inkluding forks) and 1.000.000 (wihout forks).

so the number of 100.000 infected repos doesn't seem to be interesting or unexpected in any way.

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