[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 6 points 1 day ago

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 1 points 1 day ago

They do though? They provide a place to live that you can move into way faster than you can if you were buying it. They cover the maintenance costs, and some even provide properties that are fully furnished.

I agree that they hoard properties for financial gain but they do provide something.

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 2 points 2 days ago

Has it ever been an issue before now?

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 6 points 2 days ago

I've never even been to a Pret, just never see them anywhere.

That said, Greggs is really overrated.

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 3 points 3 days ago

What a bargain, I think I'll pick up two just in case my kids destroys one of them.

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 4 points 3 days ago

It's only slightly more expensive, surely it's worth it!

submitted 3 days ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/casualuk@feddit.uk
[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 10 points 4 days ago

What's the problem? Just use your third hand to keep the button down

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 7 points 5 days ago

I'm convinced these people are just making it up, I've been alive nearly 40 years and not once heard of this being a thing.

submitted 1 month ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/recipes@feddit.uk

I thought it might be cool to see what different meals people have in the week and maybe provide some inspiration for others!

submitted 1 month ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/askuk@feddit.uk

We're planning on going away this year and are very likely to be staying in the UK.

I'd love to go abroad and get a little place near the sea and hire a car so we can go off and explore but it's so expensive, and with having two young children I'm not convinced a package holiday would be practical (I'm thinking of the logistics of hauling them around the airports at crazy hours and having to share a room with them).

Have you got any plans to go away this year? If so, where are you off to?

submitted 1 month ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/dads@feddit.uk

I was cuddling with my 20 month year old daughter, who's vocabulary is limited to just "dad" and "hot", on our bed the other evening watching Snail on the Whale, when all of a sudden, after 10 minutes of complete silence, in her cute little voice she randomly babbles: "die bitch". My poker face skills were seriously put to the test.

submitted 1 month ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/casualuk@feddit.uk

I'll go first: "cumming in your ears!"

submitted 2 months ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/offbeat@lemmy.ca
submitted 4 months ago by blackn1ght@feddit.uk to c/casualuk@feddit.uk
[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 103 points 5 months ago

None of them. I don't care who they are, nobody should be a billionaire.

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 157 points 8 months ago

There's Linux distro called suicide Linux that wipes your hard drive on any mistyped command.

[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 79 points 8 months ago

X is suing X. X is a social media company, and so is X. I hope that clears things up!

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