[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago

Giving the benefit of the doubt I can see that reading but it definitely implied that stupidity is genetic because of how big the stupid people family tree gets and the scifi story it was based on was a looooot more explicit with the eugenics of the story.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago

Because Google has literally poisoned the internet to be the de facto SEO optimization goal. Even if Google were to suddenly disappear, everything is so optimized forngoogle's algorithm that any replacements are just going to favor the SEO already done by everyone.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

Ignoring the blatant eugenics of the very first scene, I'd rather live in the idiocracy world because at least the president with all of his machismo and grandstanding was still humble enough to put the smartest guy in the room in charge of actually getting plants to grow.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 222 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Some of those those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Not quite that silly, but you get the idea.

You joke but this bullshit tactic has been historically used to suppress voter's rights for over a century. Charge someone with a bullshit felony and they lose their right to vote forever.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I appreciate the willingness to explore the thoughts deeper rather than turn it into a shouting match. At the end of the day we both want the same thing, stopping a genocide, but we have to work with the hand were dealt and we both have different ideas how to get there.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure what you have set up on your lemmy, but there's been a few posts on lemmy.world that picked up some traction.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

I agree with the sentiment and yes we do need to push biden to stop providing weapons to a genocidal state however this sort of purity shaming of voters isn't going to convince anyone to vote against trump. Calling people genocide supporters for begrudgingly voting for the least shitty option is going to turn them off of voting. And this sort of purity testing is the kind of I fighting that conservatives love to capitalize on. I despise that the objectively "best" choice is maintaining the status quo vs an accelerated genocide. Call it rationalization, call it cognitive dissonance, the best strategic option I can come up with is voting against a worse genocide.

And at the end of the day all this momentum building could very well be moot as Biden being in office is not a guarantee after this election.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I also see where you're coming from. And I do not want to support a genocide, but strictly in terms of electoral politics, and putting all other possible forms of civic engagement aside, we should not be dissuaded people from voting for the least shitty viable option.

People have been trying to make voting third party a thing for decades, and the last time a major political party fell was when the Progressive Republicans took to the nation stage in the mid 1800s and replaced the Whig party when the Northern Whigs and Southern Whigs split over the issue of slavery.

Abstaining from voting does not absolve you of the decisions of our government because whether you voted or not, you still pay taxes that are used to send bombs to a genocidal nation.

I do not like the current genocide, but I have no illusions that abstaining from voting is a good idea and there is no way that just rolling over and letting trump win will do anything other than accelerate and exacerbate the ongoing genocide.

If anyone should be rhetorically dissuaded from voting start targeting Republicans instead because scolding anyone voting for the least shit option in regards to the genocide is a shit strategy for stopping a genocide.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 13 points 4 days ago

No I mean literally. Nikki Haley is signing bombs headed to Israel, most likely for use in Rafah, writing Finish Them on the bombs.

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 33 points 5 days ago

So the genocide is going to stop if Republicans win right? ...Right?? I mean it's not like presidential candidates are signing bombs used on children saying to finish them... riiiight?

[-] blackbelt352@lemmy.world 58 points 6 days ago

When you're a VFX artist and you've been looking at the same scenes for hours a day for weeks on end, constantly scrubbing back and forth across your timeline, you just become blind to errors and mistakes and technical glitches beyond the really obvious one.

You just need a second set of eyes or put down that specific part and look at it again later with fresh eyes.

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