[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 1 points 11 minutes ago* (last edited 5 minutes ago)

I've not used dockge so it may be great but at least for this case portainer puts all the stack (docker-compose) files on disk. It's very easy to grab them if the app is unavailable.

I use a single Portainer service to manage 5 servers, 3 local and 2 VPS. I didn't have to relearn anything beyond my management tool of choice (compose, swarm, k8s etc)

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 13 points 3 days ago

Without a pet-tax image I'm not sure I can upvote.

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

With a small amount of effort and the use of https://github.com/nanos/FediFetcher and https://github.com/g3rv4/GetMoarFediverse you can mitigate basically all those issues. It's still not perfect by any means but it results in a perfectly usable single user instance.

The first populates the replies of the home timeline posts you see (as well as profiles of people it finds in those replies) and the second pulls down all the content from instances you select for your followed hashtags (choose mastodon.social and you can guarantee you'll see most all posts with those tags)

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 87 points 1 week ago

"...prohibits repair stores from repairing components on the mainboard. Instead, the entire component must be replaced..."

A flagrant disregard for the costs of e-waste on the environment. What a surprise.

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 57 points 1 week ago

The sound produced by ANC is the exact 180 degree inverse (or as near as possible) of the incoming bad noise.

It's produced in realtime by dedicated signal processors and requires mic arrays feeding in the sound. The quicker your processing pipeline the better the match is and the more powerful the effect is.

There's no prerecorded sound that would work.

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 134 points 3 weeks ago

How is being paid "from pushback to arrival" even vaguely legal?

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 47 points 2 months ago

Much like what happened in the original Minecraft, Voyager is entering a region where the simulation breaks down.

submitted 2 months ago by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/music@lemmy.world

Takes me right back to the 1990's

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 59 points 2 months ago

Someone is having a very bad day

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/aww@lemmy.world

Probably too many insurmountable issues with filming like this during a race but would certainly add something extra.

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 55 points 3 months ago

There's a huge amount of it on the fediverse right now. People are working very hard at getting rid, all of them volunteers, and in their own time.

No sleep, just pets. (doomscroll.n8e.dev)
submitted 4 months ago by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/aww@lemmy.world
[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 68 points 4 months ago

In theory this is done. There is a Do Not Track (DNT) header that is browser defined. Does anyone use it? Do they fuck.

[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 80 points 5 months ago

Wish this kind of joined up thinking happened in places other than the Nordics.

Data centres and industry exist and dump heat all over the world. Putting it to use is a no brainer.

submitted 5 months ago by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/aww@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/warhammer40k@lemmy.world

I had mostly no clue what I was doing. Managed 2 turns against a Death Guard force and 2 turns against a Space Marine one. (three of us with limited time)

I think I have some work to go before I know how to beat these two. Both are super tough and I’ve no idea how to play to my strengths.

PS. The fact that Typhus cleaved his way through the entire Destroyer unit in a single combat round makes me sad. They didn’t get a chance to do anything and they’re supposed to be tough (?)

submitted 6 months ago by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/aww@lemmy.world
[-] adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev 76 points 6 months ago

It seems the majority of the torrents with poor seeder count are in the 1.5TB+ range. I just simply don't have the storage for that. Most everything in the 0-300GB range is pretty well covered.


It beats Relay and Boost which I used to use for Reddit in terms of UX/UI. It's great.

Now, when I can get it to talk to my kbin instance I'll be super happy :D

It's made of girders (doomscroll.n8e.dev)
submitted 6 months ago by adam@doomscroll.n8e.dev to c/aww@lemmy.world

I’m getting some stutter/jank when scrolling my feed. I’m using compact mode if that helps.

Not sure what else to add. I’m using version 0.2.4 which appears to contain (according to github) some related performance fixes but I’m still seeing it.


This is a 60fps video slowed to 30fps and you can see it happening quite clearly.

I don’t see this type of juddering on Voyager. But the MaterialU interface on Thunder is just ❤️

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