My boy Aristotle thought men had more teeth than women, and whatever testable hypothesis he created to prove that fact didn't include, you know, counting the teeth of men and women.
Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, and will agree that "classical elements" is probably the dumbest thing to accuse him of being wrong about. Hell, I have considered getting a Bekker number tattoo, but he was definitely full of some shit. It's okay to acknowledge he was right about some things and wrong about others. That's the whole point of this thread.
At least you went, my guy. You can, without a doubt, say "that's not a thing I like". I have never done a cruise because I don't think I would like them, and don't want to be stuck in a boat for 3 more days after I find that out. Will I miss out on cruises? Probably not. Will I talk myself out of other things I might have actually enjoyed? Almost certainly.
It's important to push boundaries and try new things, but it's important-er to learn from those experiences and grow, even if the only "growth" you get here is the confirmation that trying a new thing might suck, but won't kill you.