As per title, looking for a online copy of 'A fighting dream: the political writings of Claudia Jones'. If any comrades have one available, would greatly appreciate!


My go to site got shut down recently(tragic), anyone have any suggestions for TV/movie streaming? Thanks in advance, comrades!! p.s. love my trans comrades!

[-] UhhhDunkDunk@hexbear.net 2 points 5 months ago

Oh wow, very cool! I've got some catching up to do, but I absolutely will! Thanks for bringing this to my awareness!

[-] UhhhDunkDunk@hexbear.net 3 points 5 months ago

thank you, comrade!


As title says, looking to read this bad boy, having trouble finding any pdf's or free copies at normal sites I would look. Any help, would be greatly appreciated!

[-] UhhhDunkDunk@hexbear.net 7 points 7 months ago

Do you think the free tax help prep places are running this early in the season?

[-] UhhhDunkDunk@hexbear.net 9 points 7 months ago

Very confident I would have received refund, grad student living on debt and pretty close to poverty line yearly income because only part time jobs. I'm assuming since I was late, that refund money is just gone


As title says, past two years I didn't submit my taxes- Was very emotionally overwhelmed, essentially had a sibling who was dying, it was incredibly stressful and I was in a grad program...managed to complete the grad program and be there for family, but just could handle getting it done for some reason(not knowing what i was supposed to do with grad loans and stuff probably was a piece). Now, I'm trying to get it together especially before this next years are due. Any advice, anyone been in a situation like this before? Am I totally fucked? I also pulled money out of a retirement account to pay bills, and think I ended up paying taxes 2x on it- again, any advice? Anyone know how to go about trying to recover from a screw up like this?

[-] UhhhDunkDunk@hexbear.net 30 points 10 months ago

Ball so hard


joined 3 years ago