[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 61 points 6 months ago

I cough like this all the time now


[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 79 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The original tweet is not even correct in any way. Ilhan Omar is not from Puntland, she's from Mogadishu. Her father is from the area of Puntland. But Puntland didn't even exist on a map until 1998 - when Ilhan Omar was 17 years old. No one in her family, including her, ever lived in a place called "Puntland." Her father was basically from the area that became Puntland, but never lived in it at any time it was referred to as "Puntland."

Furthermore, the Puntland flag is from 2009 - 14 years after Ilhan Omar's family was in the United States. Not even her father has any ties to that flag, its extremely modern. Chuds will just find anything to get worked up over.

edit: Puntland didn't even exist until 3 years after Ilhan Omar's family was in the United States

edit 2: furthermore, I'd love to see EndWokeness' source for "largest Somali population in the west" because I don't think that's true either. I'm pretty sure London has more Somali people than Minnesota.

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 53 points 6 months ago

Community is when you have a maid and a driver

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 54 points 6 months ago

Boomers at the gate

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I believe what people say is the US has technically not been at war since WWII, since everything since then has not gotten the approval of Congress, so has been a "military operation," not a war.

However I was taking a look at the VA pension benefits, and they define "wartime periods" as including the Korean War, Vietnam War and Persian Gulf War/Iraq and Afghanistan operations. This of course leaves out things like Grenada, Panama, Haiti, and also instances where US troops were part of UN/NATO troops, like Yugoslavia.

Since technically these conflicts have the same status as larger conflicts like the Korean and Vietnam wars, why aren't they treated the same way? Why are some military operations considered "wars" while some aren't, even though neither have congressional authorisation? Is it really just subjective thinking since clearly the Vietnam War represents a much larger conflict and went on for longer than Grenada, so can more accurately be called a "war" - even though there's no definition really to back up that assertion?

Idk maybe there's no answer. Just something I noticed and was wondering if anyone knows if there is a reason for this.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Does any English person actually understand this shit? Oh yeah this is a ceremonial county, this one's a metropolitan county, oh this one is a ceremonial county and a metropolitan county, but hold on its not a historic county. I mean, a single location seems to be in like at least 5 different locations. Some of them are tied in to some local government, some have seemingly no reason to exist at all?

Say what you will about the US, at least I know where I live. The US does have some confusing shit going on, but I've never experienced anything like this. Every time I try to understand how England works I get "oh yeah no one really understands how it works." There are like 5 different maps all overlapping each other. Does anybody know how this works?

Feel like I'm just staring at like 12 different maps of English divisions going "damn bitch you live like this?"

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

I get the cocaine it cleans out my sinuses

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 45 points 6 months ago

the long 2016

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 51 points 6 months ago

I guess you either go the idubbbz route and apologize/repent for all your past edginess and denounce that version of you and all the fans who still hold on to it or you become a nazi.

Pretty much yeah. I enjoyed a number of his videos since it was sort of nostalgic to relive Kony 2012, fyre festival, leroy jenkins, some of that pre-gamergate 4chan stuff, but yeah I pegged him as a 4chan nazi immediately just based on what he chose to cover. idubbbz, joji, tyler the creator, earl sweatshirt - that's really the way to do it. Recognize you were wrong but also young, and move forward.

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 47 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters

Right, throwing a fit because people criticized your favorite little media treat is not chud behavior at all, meanwhile criticizing those treats for being reactionary and transphobic - exactly like Trump


[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 76 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yes, the workers are wrong. This is a better way to do it. Unfortunately, many waiters really do come out ahead with tipping, especially those working at higher end restaurants, conventionally attractive by euro standards, or just really good people skills, so they argue tipping is good actually. It benefits some individually, but collectively a lot do not end up with more money this way. It’s part of the whole pull yourself up by your bootstraps ideology - yes you theoretically could do better with tipping, but how many do, compared with the many who don’t? But of course restaurantbusinessonline would prefer business owners still be paying less than minimum wage, so they find those workers whose interests for whatever reason line up with theirs.


We’ve all heard about antibiotic resistance, but is it also possible for bacteria to develop resistance to common disinfectants, like bleach, alcohol and soap?

I was reading this story and was sort of confused as to what was going on

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 61 points 8 months ago

It’s so easy to support Palestine when it’s under attack by Israel. Everyone who today is shedding tears for Gaza was a couple weeks ago calling for blood going “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Well they got what they wanted, they should be celebrating. One would hope this would cause some self-reflection in westerners but we all know it won’t, in fact this is a situation that is desired in those same westerners. They are happy to support opponents of imperialism when those opponents are being killed off and displaced and on the run, but they can never support those opponents of imperialism when they are actually materially threatening imperialism.

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 68 points 8 months ago

Drawing a picture to get upset at

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 63 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Literally every time I read something like this

But then I remember I barely leave my house due to Covid, don’t really like meeting people or going out anyway, and the last relationship I was in we broke up because she held extremely bourgeois values and was an anticommunist. So sometimes the women are just as reactionary as the men, and also I do myself no favors being a crank shut in. So it actually makes complete sense why I’m single.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Thinking of joining an ml party. I’ve been doing little things with dsa and other orgs now and again but it gets tiring having to hold my tongue around liberal progressives all the time and I’d like to be part of an org where I theoretically don’t have to do that.

If you’re in one of these parties, why do you like it, why should I join? I’m also mainly interested in any reasons why I should not join any of these orgs. Like are any of them just full of cops, or are they political cults full of abusers or anything? Tbh right now I’m leaning towards frso just because I like their stance of national liberation struggles within the us and also the idea that they’re sort of a “pre-party” organization, since I recognize while I’m probably knowledgeable enough theory-wise to join an ml organization, I definitely still have a lot of learning I need to (and would like to) do. But it would be nice to have comrades and not just be reading alone in my room lol.

But that is by no means set in stone and I’m hoping someone can give me a rundown of the ml landscape in the USA and/or guide me away from any parties I probably shouldn’t join.

[-] TupamarosShakur@hexbear.net 59 points 8 months ago

One thing I have noticed is that when a dem is in office it becomes much easier to tell who your comrades are.

I do think the trump era did move a lot of people left, but in the end we all saw how so many radlibs just went back to brunch once Biden was elected. If someone’s opposing a dem while that dem is in office, I think there’s a much greater chance that person is committed to some sort of leftism. With a republican president we just get liberals with radical aesthetic, like “the resistance.” Sort of dumb reason to be pro-dem but just something I’ve noticed lately.

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