[-] Tregetour 4 points 1 week ago

I'm happy with outgroup x being able to develop their own AIs, because that means I'm able to develop AIs too.

[-] Tregetour 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Then said tools were made a lot simpler with a lot less control over them

Which needs to be reversed if we're to remain free in Western democracies. Access to and control of computing - general purpose computing in particular - is practically a civil liberty now. I look at legislators in my own country, and I'd wager 50% of them don't understand this, 40% kind of grasp the problems but are apathetic, and 10% are on the enemies' payrolls.

[-] Tregetour 7 points 2 weeks ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the average consumer does more for the environment by reducing consumption by 10% and not recycling anything, than maintaining normal consumption and regularly recycling.

[-] Tregetour 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

With respect OP, blow it out your ass. Think twice before posting paywalled material or at least kindly run it through a cleaner (the source can be gleaned by including the original URL). Alternately you could spend a few moments pasting important sections in the post body.

[-] Tregetour 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

My question is: what's the point of sharing folders in a p2p program and denying access to these folders?

I've asked many of them, including one who wanted not only a vinyl for a vinyl but one with an equivalent number of tracks. They never answer me, because they never arrived at their absurd position using reason to begin with. They fundamentally misunderstand p2p filesharing, in that they believe it's a zero-sum game.

Your best attack: polite annoyance. Ping them when you see them. Hi x. I want to download from you. My files are available - Soulseek is for sharing. Please give me access, even if it's temporary/capped transfer. It would be great to see more people use private chat to wear them down and call out poor behavior. Even if they block you, that's still a bit of overhead they're having to contend with.

Your best defense: modeling the behavior you want to see. Traders are still very much a minority. Keep online over the long term, keep your shares available, and they'll stay that way.

[-] Tregetour 6 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

If the employee is frequently on sick leave and is required to produce paper, that's a trust issue. But if the manager can't recall when the employee was last ill yet still demands one, then they've shown they cannot distinguish trust from compliance.

[-] Tregetour 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

How many Youtube employees would be assigned to frontend/adblock sabotage efforts? I'm wondering whether the law of diminishing returns will be observed, or will the company have sufficient resources to maintain the shenanigans indefinitely.

If it's the latter, Youtube can rest assured my resolve will match theirs, until the damned thing gets paywalled...

[-] Tregetour 7 points 1 month ago

Is that false flag operation r/AgainstHateSubreddits still operating?

Rip r/ChurchOfTheCurrentThing

[-] Tregetour 4 points 1 month ago

The rich have always imitated the rest of us.

Tattoos used to see you barred from many military and civil service organizations. Now ink is considered cosmopolitan and they're allowed.

Low-income service workers used to occupy the top floors of residential buildings, and even set up makeshift accomodation on building roofs. They called them penthouses.

Look at the shift in treatment of marijuana in the United States over the last decade.

[-] Tregetour 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

'Firefox has insufficient buffer to decrypt data in the browser. Use the Mega Desktop App instead.'

[-] Tregetour 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As an experiment, take any remux from your collection and encode it by dividing the raw video bitrate by 2.5

What you'll invariably find:

  • Perceptible quality degradation at 100 per cent scale: 0%
  • " @ 200 per cent scale: <1%
  • Space saving: >50%
[-] Tregetour 5 points 1 month ago

I call it North Korean syndrome. (They don't know any better.)

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