You can takle the mods out of R_ddit...
but if you have a problem with the wages, just tip more.
enabler | noun
en·abler i-ˈnā-b(ə-)lər
: one that enables another to achieve an end especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior
Suppression of the suspect's voice really is misinformation on the part of states and corporations, albeit for different reasons.
Relevant laws and policies are employed in order to deliberately withhold public information about motive. They don't want people placing these incidents this within a broader context. There couldn't possibly be a belief set behind the behaviour; the perp didn't have any ideas about how the world works, or who and what caused their circumstances. Oh no.
Why did the shooter go out and shoot people is a completely legitimate question. More than that, it will never be an illegitimate question, no matter how much autistic screeching authorities do. Learning is never wrong, and that includes the publishing and reading of a criminal suspect's thoughts.
Nothing surpsises me about a single small sectional interest (football copyright) being able to wreak such havoc and inequity on a whole nation. Italian standards of governance are a joke.
One of the best YT lectures on censorship I've come across is Ada Palmer's "Why We Censor: from the Inquisition to the Internet". It lays out the universal nature of such regimes, including their slapdash conception and setup, and the arbitrary and indiscriminate targeting they engage in thanks to how co-optable they are.
Ad blockers assert your belief in the web browser as user agent, not server agent
- We know you're using an ad blocker. How dare you.
- Alphabet's cross-subsidy, and the political value of controlling the Overton window, allows Youtube to remain publicly accessible.
- You can get double-penetrated with Youtube Premium, first on the subscription fee then on the usage analytics.
This is how you effectively combat the interests trying to kill libraries, filesharing and the public commons in general. Continue normalizing the activity, as it makes law designed to attack it all the more odious and unworkable. The bad guys lose when cultural attitudes rally around free information exchange. The key to that is being public and vocal like the dev.
Of all the things to call someone who employs coarse slang/diminutives for ethnic and cultural groups, racist wouldn't even make top 5 in most people's books.
Also: fuck the Cardis, they deserved their fate.