[-] Tregetour 4 points 7 hours ago


Who does scale really benefit, though? I don't see how it matters from the audiences' point of view. Say I watch Youtube for fishing videos - all the competitor needs to do to attract and keep me is offer fishing videos. I don't really care that I can't watch music videos on it, or cookery, or make-up tutorials, etc.

The preoccupation we have with scale should be re-examined when it comes to video distribution. A combination of user-friendly banner advertising, modern codecs, and P2P hosting should go an awful long way. If I knew ad placements provided material funding for a video site/community I loved, I'd whitelist the URL.

Video needs fragmentation.

[-] Tregetour 63 points 10 hours ago

Ad blockers assert your belief in the web browser as user agent, not server agent

  • We know you're using an ad blocker. How dare you.
  • Alphabet's cross-subsidy, and the political value of controlling the Overton window, allows Youtube to remain publicly accessible.
  • You can get double-penetrated with Youtube Premium, first on the subscription fee then on the usage analytics.
[-] Tregetour 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

I'd like a phase-out of the data broking industry. Just like live sheep export, it's inherently odious and shouldn't be a thing, and is only capable of causing harm. But something tells me governments won't get around to it unless it becomes a lot more politicized.

[-] Tregetour 1 points 10 hours ago

See also: the scare pieces on medical tourism.

[-] Tregetour 4 points 10 hours ago

My ability to stick the boot in on Blahaj-hosted posts is a bit like mods being able to ceaslessly whinge about their voluntary role being thankless/hard to prosecute. It's really really really important :^)

[-] Tregetour 8 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

'Anti-religious comment' accurately describes my scenario. Anyone who dislikes the hypothetical critique can simply hit the report button and it will get wiped if Rule 4 is read at face value.

[-] Tregetour 10 points 12 hours ago
[-] Tregetour 15 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

If the mod team on this instance is going to be that prescriptive around how religion is mentioned, then they're better off just blanket-banning any mention of it altogether, like on Whirlpool.

If you're a , and in the natural course of discussion people start criticizing ideas that inform 's beliefs and ethics, that's not a personal attack. It's not 'bigotry' on the basis that you disagree. It's not 'trolling' purely because it made you upset.

I'm going to separately post the famous Charlie Hebdo cover in this thread, the one published after Muslim extremists murdered their people over cartoons. If this instance is so straitjacketed by Australia's ridiculous lawmaking in this area that it cannot tolerate such a post, then it's not a forum for adults.

[-] Tregetour 2 points 3 days ago

Context is king. If there's vital/time-dependent correspondence you're waiting on, notifications can matter. But email in 2024 is pretty darn transactional, in which case a daily check is enough for most. Notifications for something suggest that I need to drop what I'm doing and attend to whatever arrived. That just doesn't apply for service provider marketing, purchase receipts, etc.

And then the opsec angle comes into play: https://www.axios.com/2023/12/06/apple-google-requests-push-notification-data

[-] Tregetour 7 points 4 days ago

Give me a mandatory field and I will give you a latrine.

[-] Tregetour 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

then a few years later suddenly everyone's anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

There used to be a satire sub called Church of the Current Thing that made fun of this phenomenon. It eventually got banned around 2022 thanks to a cohort of bad faith actors mass-filing dubious reports of subs they didn't like.

(I believe there was also a sub devoted to cataloging all such subs that got paved over in the name of le brand safety^TM^, but it may have also gone the same way. I don't keep up with the place)

[-] Tregetour 11 points 4 days ago

Notifications are overrated. I turn them off for the bulk of apps.

Devote one or two small time windows each day for life admin. Outside those windows it shouldn't be seen or heard.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Tregetour to c/filmsframes@lemmy.world

First of all, Monos is a film set in the jungle, so you know it's already good (see Raiders, Jurassic Park, Sorcerer, Predator, Apocalypto, etc.). Secondly, Landes has an eye for scene composition and potent metaphor. Thirdly, it gets awfully good performances out of a mostly amateur cast.

submitted 1 month ago by Tregetour to c/filmsframes@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by Tregetour to c/filmsframes@lemmy.world


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Tregetour to c/filmsframes@lemmy.world

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