American Indians, the term hasn't died out in the New World quite yet.
Dude Wookies don't even live in this galaxy, those humans aren't from here either! It goes waaaay deeper
They changed his hair color those time even
Husband is a fucking idiot. She tried to KILL YOU, YOU DIPSHIT flips desk
And marines were just normal people, the Primarchs just generals and orks used bolters
I mean, he has the skillset. Honestly probably startled the shit out of the first negotiation.
Blaming Americans for Scottish math.....
There is the problem of where does religion and culture separate? Especially for a spiritual people like the Bajorans do we ever really see one post occupation without the ear thing?
Both Win and Dukat believed in something but lost their way, Kissinger never believed in anything.
With that much power you can navigate anywhere, at least until the console melts through the floor
Something Sony thought might be a good idea to patent
Men are isolated from a young age and told to be strong at all costs, you can only live that way so long before pain turns to hate, because hate hurts less to carry alone