[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 9 points 4 days ago

The part about voting is pretty simple logic.

In a voting system where the one who gets majority of the votes wins, the other votes don't really have an impact. Of course they are part of the race to win, but outside of that, what do the other votes do? Nothing. In other systems those votes would cause a second round to happen, but in the US system they don't. Those votes are just... gone.

Sure, you could argue that it's about "sending a message", but... why? Why do this now while the Project 2025 looms over the US if the Republicans win? The Democratic Party won't change before the elections and no amount of threatening to vote for 3rd party will change that.

The part about "if you don't vote for Biden, you vote for Trump" is not literal. It's more... abstract if that makes sense. Since if you vote for parties that have no realistic chance of winning, it means that a party that has a chance of winning doesn't get that vote and the party you least want in power is one vote closer to win the election. This logic goes for both Democrats and Republicans. If a Republican votes for third party that has no chance of winning, their vote metaphorically goes to the Democratic party, since the Republican party will be one vote further away from the Democratic party. Hell, this same logic, to some extent, also applies to other systems, but not as much as the US system.

So unless you are predicting Jill Stein to be making history and winning as a third party, a thing that hasn't happened, that vote won't affect the elections and the party you least want in power is just one vote closer to be winning.

In a two round system, your vote would matter more, since your vote would be affecting everyone's chance of getting an absolute majority of 50% all votes. And since everyone, but your chosen party, is one vote further from the 50% mark, a second round has a higher chance of happening.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 30 points 2 weeks ago

Good meme! (I have no clue what any of it means other than the dates)

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 11 points 9 months ago

Mainly mercantilism which just means that everyone wants to only export and importing stuff is literally the worst thing in the world. Mercantilism also had a lot more state restrictions on it compared to capitalism.

Feudalism mainly died out in the 1400's when more of the power was centralised to the king instead of their vassals.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 47 points 9 months ago

Oh damn, an article containing a topic about Russia and Cuba. I hope this post will contain a civil conversation about the topic without it derailing into a giant fighting pit about the United States.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

From what I've read depleted uranium is not proven to cause cancer, nor is it not proven (With the exception that you inhale it or eat it).

In Iraq it's still up to debate if it causes cancer or birth defects, since burning buildings and other burning stuff also causes a lot of nasty things to humans.

From what I've read they were also used in Bosnia, and they haven't had similiar effects to Iraq.

So let the Ukrainians have their depleted uranium.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not that I know of, but it should be added in for those who don't want to interact with people from Hexbear. If people have the freedom to block an instance for themselves it would expand the decentralization that Lemmy is built on, since people don't have to move to those instances to block out Hexbear.

I've read that blocking the Hexbear domain is a solution to this, but that isn't a proper solution, since those who aren't tech-literate would have a pretty hard time doing that, so a first-party solution would be the best.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 13 points 10 months ago

That's what Big Non-Dino-Oil wants you to think, so they can get all of the moneys from everyone.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 17 points 10 months ago

The modern way of doing this would involve reversing the process of dinosaur bones turning into oil. So you just put into the oil-to-bone-inator and bury those bones back into the ground where they originally came from.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 100 points 10 months ago

If this happens they'll do the "A person who swears to tell the truth and nothing but the truth says what" ordeal. If that doesn't work they will just let you leave

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 35 points 10 months ago

I honestly forgot where this meme was posted and thought it was a really weird shitpost.

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

But that wasn't said in your original message, was it? In your original message you were implying that by the USA spending more money in their military to spread their influence, would make the US government a tankie(?), thus invalidating everyone who uses the word tankie.

Also if your point was that the word tankie lost its meaning by usage in invalid contexts, why did you mention the USA? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to explain that it lost its meaning by the usage of it, and not by the actions of the US government, since the US is not the only nation who has people who use the word tankie?

[-] TheBigMike@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

Either you are willingly redefining a word, or you don't even know what it means

Tankie means a person who supports an authoratian communist state.

The word comes from the Tianamen Square Massacre, where tanks were used to silence and kill protester, which some people think didn't happen.

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