[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 days ago

Is Michelle Obama's penis in there?

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 days ago

I'll bite. What's the proof?

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 27 points 1 month ago

As a guy with covid currently, it is not, in fact, over.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 24 points 1 month ago

1080p and 4k isn't really a fair comparison for great earbuds and shit earbuds in my opinion. The comparison there is like 4k and 480p. There is a massive difference between the 2. I have had $30 earbuds that you couldn't listen to a podcast on, and I currently have $250+ Bose earbuds that are fucking amazing for just about everything.

Unless of course you're saying that these earbuds are in fact "1080p" quality. In which case, fair point. I have yet to see someone who's actually used these and commented on the sound quality though. What I've seen from fairphone products is they are consumer friendly at the expense of quality.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 20 points 2 months ago

Agree. The amount of people doom saying, massively blowing things out of proportion, or having victim complexes is out of control. If you got all your news from Lemmy, you'd think society as we know it is about to collapse.. or at least American society.

Reddit has a lot of downfalls, but at least it was diverse and the memes were better.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 29 points 3 months ago

I've seen Confederate flags flying off the backs of pick up trucks on the west coast of Canada... Amazing how stupid people can be

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 62 points 3 months ago

We're no better here. Lemmy has its own brand of cringe.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 30 points 7 months ago

Wildly irrelevant to the post, but man that was a good read. Carry on.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 70 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Fully left Reddit. Hate that they killed Sync so bounced. Don't miss it at all.

The flip side is Lemmy is meh. Every damn post is Linux shilling. We get it. Lemmy users like Linux. At least Sync works on this site.

Ultimately, I guess I just don't care about either site. I just want something to mindlessly browse for a few minutes every day when I'm shitting, and Lemmy is fine.

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 30 points 8 months ago

No requests. Just like to say you're a good bloke for wanting to lift others when you're down. God speed mate

[-] TJDetweiler@lemmy.ca 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It seems like it. I see a lot of people posting that they were using X app but sync is better.

I agree sync is an amazing app, both formerly for Reddit, and now for Lemmy, but huge kudos to the developers of existing Lemmy apps for working hard to make the mobile experience as good as possible for us Reddit refugees. I used connect until sync came out, and noticed it was frequently updated. I'd highly recommend everyone support their favourite app developer(s) in whatever way possible. Thanks Kuro!!

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