[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 21 points 2 days ago

This just sounds like a manager has a metric of “all prescriptions must be ready in x minutes” and it is easier for the pharmacist to just click “it’s ready” before the alarm goes off.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Don’t confuse the old school glass flat tops with the induction ones. They use different methods and work very differently even though they look alike.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Skyrim gets it wrong too. These video game devs need to spend more time reading the scripture. /s

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

The guy is wrong. Dragons have 6 limbs, 4 legs and 2 wings on their backs. Like angels. What the commentator is describing is Wyverns.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 58 points 2 weeks ago

My first thought was “this is why you use Jellyfin”.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 56 points 2 months ago

Except the length of a second is different on the moon because of relativity. So even utc is wrong.


There has been several conservative memes about golf courses going away or liberals taking them away. Did I miss some news about that?

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 85 points 5 months ago

I still have my WRT54G around somewhere. Loved that thing. What I found interesting was that when the firmware went open demand for that model went through the roof. Wish more companies would realize that there is a demand for that market.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 55 points 5 months ago

This is one sector where I am actually happy for AI to be available. I want to play a game where the NPC's can say my character name.

That being said, I also want the voice actors to be compensated fairly. Maybe the guilds can set up a deal where using someone's voice for training data is included.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 56 points 6 months ago

I learned that hummingbirds are native to North America and they don’t have them in Europe. That made me sad for all of them over there.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 67 points 8 months ago

Or buy it on physical media. More and more studios are pulling their disks and it is getting harder to find. If you have a disk, it can never be recalled.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 213 points 9 months ago

At press time, Boebert also warned her constituents that she planned to vape the entire time.

That is an amazing ending.

Go Cougs! (lemmy.world)

That is all.

[-] SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world 49 points 9 months ago

The code on the left is more readable. It is easy to follow and see what is happening at each step.

That being said, the code on the right is easier to maintain. If the requirement comes down the pipe that we now need to support a new pizza topping it is easy to jump to the add toppings method using the IDE instead of scanning the entire monolith procedural function. Or if we now need to add support for take-and-bake, we can just modify the small entry method.

This also assumes that we are not needing to reuse any of these methods. If you want to add toppings to a sandwich or a salad, better write another huge method like the one on the left, or add a ton of nested if/else or switch statements. If you use the style on the right you can reuse the add toppings method without worrying about if you should preheat the oven for a salad.

The author chose a very simplistic requirement for an example and it is all well and good until you let it fester in a code base for ten years, with multiple interns maintaining it and end up with a huge spaghetti code monster to deal with.


I have a DS920+ which I haven't upgraded the ram for, so it still has the default 4GB on it. Reading around, it sounds like Synology only supports adding an additional 4GB for it, but some other sites mention putting an additional 8 or 16 into it.

Has anyone upgraded theirs with more ram? What have you added and what were your experiences?

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