[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 18 points 5 hours ago

We've got sunflowers all over with similar DNA doesn't mean they somehow blew over. Cranberries of Europe And USA have similar DNA but that doesn't mean they blew over here.

Someone should explain how birds work to this guy.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 8 points 4 days ago

Reddit has a warning for AI companies and other scrapers: ~~play by our rules~~ pay us for the content our users generated or get blocked


[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 11 points 4 days ago

It's so nice to see a developer doing this rather then going the "Here's a updated version of the game! Also we're removing access the originals so it's the only version available now." route.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 25 points 6 days ago

The terrible thing about these isn't the fake orange juice combined with rot gut vodka, it's that (at least in my area) they want twelve freaking dollars for this shit. That's three bucks a can!

You could literally buy an entire jug of not-orange juice as well as a 750 ml bottle of vodka for less.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 103 points 1 month ago

Blood letting can actually be healthy in many American males, since often they have a overabundance of iron. Thus we must conclude the Elon Musk Supergenious has used Grok AI to let the Cybertruck analyze their owners through the autodrive cameras and automatically bleed them if they have a overabundance of iron. Tesla continues to innovate and in fact probably saved this mans life!

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 97 points 1 month ago

Windows 10 is pretty crappy but tolerable, everything I've seen about 11 suggests it's a utter shit show.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 88 points 2 months ago

Eh, at least this will reduce the amounts of PFAS being produced. I mean, teflon pans at least actually have a useful purpose, rather than things like PFAS coated burger wrappers.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 89 points 4 months ago

I mean... I don't expect them to scrap GMail, but their reassurance means nothing. IIRC they said the same thing about Stadia.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 146 points 5 months ago

"What if we ignored what made our platform successful and instead tried to force our product into a already crowded market?" Elon Musk, Tech genius

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 94 points 9 months ago

It's amusing to consider that Musk could have bought one of the many dying alt-right Twitter clones and achieved the same results for billions of dollars less. But no, he had to turn Twitter itself into a dying Twitter clone.

[-] Sludgehammer@lemmy.world 96 points 9 months ago

The funny thing is that some medieval bricklayer made a conscious choice here, he could have put that brick paw-print down and made a flawless floor. Now, here we are getting a chuckle out of some unknown bricklayer's little gag centuries later.

submitted 11 months ago by Sludgehammer@lemmy.world to c/steam@lemmy.ml

So I was browsing SteamDB.info looking at the various games on sale when I noticed there were a bunch of games (usually from the publisher Hede, but there's quite a few others) listed as having a discount in the high nineties, yet still costing in the neighborhood of 30-50 dollars. Even odder when I go to the game's Steam, it's not listed as being on sale and costs the... "normal" price of $99.99.

I'm just wondering A) What the scam is here, B) How a SteamDB.info is getting $99.99 dollar game as costing 30-ish dollars when it's 97% off but at the same time it's apparently not actually on sale?

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