
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

assuming their actual hiring practices are not really changing

Why on earth would anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention assume that?

If Google from now on only hired straight, white people, it would be detrimental to them for missing out on a huge pool of talent and they know this

Even with DEI they still hire more straight white men than any other group, and they do so because they don't give a shit about the talent they might be missing out on because they don't consider marginalised people to be as talented in the first place, that's literally how white supremacy along with other systems of oppression function, and they aren't something that is just happening now, they are literally what America and capitalism are founded on.

[–] 31 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

These aren’t businesses making tough choices – they’re paper empires run by moral cowards—simpering, whimpering, and weak.”

How desperate to hide from reality can someone be??

These are the most powerful people on the planet making perfectly reasonable decisions for their own benefit, because that's literally the only thing they've ever cared about.

The idea that corporations and the people who run them should be "brave" and stand up against the very system that enables them to exist, or somehow give a single fuck about society at large, otherwise they're "cowards" (and not simply self serving oppressors) is so far beyond absurd, it's actually enraging at this point.

[–] 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Now that is a celebration I can get on board with lol

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I have some similar issues, so I can relate, except for the sitting (or standing) fast, since my joints just won't let me 😭

Great that changing meds helped so noticeably!

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

Good on you, keep at it as long as you are able, those who are in danger and stuck in the most dangerous places need to see someone sticking up for them the most. ✊

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)


Sorry, in all seriousness that really sucks, sending you a friendly internet hug.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Same, I'd read it quite a while back and it was an eye opener, and "we want accomplices not allies" stuck with me, a few interactions I'd had recently made me want to post it lol

It's a shame that those who need to read it most won't, or will but find ways to distance themselves (like "oh, well this is about being an ally to Indigenous people so it doesn't apply to me, someone who claims to be any ally to [insert other marginalised group here]") as if these principals can't or shouldn't be applied universally and across the board..

In any case, definitely a must read.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That's how they get you!

ooh piece of candy

[–] -3 points 1 month ago

Step one (and the easiest thing for me to do) is to write things like this and try to let people know I’m with them.

Step one is listening and being willing to deal with the discomfort that might come with that. Not being the easiest thing for you to do is for you to resolve with yourself. But step one will always be to set your ego aside and listen.

but it’s a start.

That's for you to prove, the fight rages on with or without you.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I kid, but

Maybe don't if you're going to perpetuate exactly the same bullshit they are?

[–] 19 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Whale was like "if not food, why food shaped?" 😂

Seriously though, that must have been terrifying..

[–] -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

You could start by not centring yourself and making a post about what a good ally you think you are and instead make one centring the people you say you're here to support ("I love you, solidarity" done), one simply asking how you can help, or even better, be a good ally and invest your own time, energy, and emotional labour in searching out and consuming some of the hundreds if not thousands of articles/videos/podcasts/blogs/communities that already exist out there on the subject.

You might feel helpless, but you have significantly more privilege than most people here, use it.

Don't say.


Rule (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

ID: image from Legally Blonde of Elle floating on a pink inflatable in a pool, next to her is stylised text that says: "I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual"


Fun fact rule (

ID: stevens_bad_advice posted: "Fun fact, if billionaires got shot as often as school children, we'd run out of billionaires in 2 months."


ID: 3 panel comic:

  1. A surprised looking person pops in to existence on a floating rock surrounded by fire, next to the devil.

  2. The person asks "wait a second-- why'd I end up in hell??"

  3. The devil, now taking up the entire frame, replies: "because centrism enables fascism"


ID: Text title: "There are only five sexes:" Bellow, clockwise from the left are an image of a map with the county of Wessex highlighted in red, then 3 photos of the following road signs: "Welcome to ESSEX", "COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX", "Welcome to EAST SUSSEX" and "Welcome to WEST SUSSEX"


White folks are used to being polite and accommodating to cops. Do not fall into your old ways. For once, your silence will not be violence. STFU if the cops come looking for your neighbours. No matter how friendly.

Fascism only works if we go along with it. Fascism only works if we surrender to it. Resist. Do not say a word about your neighbours. As far as the cops are concerned you’re a recluse who doesn’t talk to anybody where you live."

ID for all 3 images: White text on a black background:

"Fascist raids by law enforcement should be met with:

I don’t know.

I can’t help.

I do not know anybody’s legal status.

I have no idea who is an immigrant.

White folks are used to being polite and accommodating to cops.

Do not fall into your old ways.

For once, your silence will not be violence. STFU if the cops come looking for your neighbours. No matter how friendly.

Fascism only works if we go along with it. Fascism only works if we surrender to it.


Do not say a word about your neighbours. As far as the cops are concerned you’re a recluse who doesn’t talk to anybody where you live."

Credit: @Raeeka Yassaie


More about FreeQuency and their fantastic work:

Video transcript:

This is for the 45 lies campaign.

The title of this piece is 1 through 45 have lied, 46 through 100 will be no different. And it is in conversation with the piece "I want a dyke for president" by Zoe Leonard.

Oh silly humans, how quickly we forget.

We who were once ruled by thrones and those who told us they were born to sit upon them.

We the descendants of those who overthrew dynasties and decapitated dictators.

Who are we, in this moment, to not remember how much we've already overcome.

How dare we dream so small.

No, I don't want another four years of Trump.

I don't want any republican for president.

But I don't want a democrat either.

No democrats, no dykes, no people who've been unemployed.

I don't want a black woman in office.

Not Oprah, Ava or even Michelle.

No immigrants in the oval.

I don't care how many or which drugs they've done, I don't want a president at all.

After all, what is a president but a small king?

An emperor whose new clothes I cannot see.

An agreement we made collectively that we can unmake just as easily.

I pledge no allegiance to America because white men defiled it with borders and called the result a country.

I do not confuse dying to vote with dying for freedom even though they meant the same thing at one time in history.

I will not beg for a seat at a table whose legs are bent backs and we dine only on scarcity.

I want us to dare to dream beyond the dictates of this dystopia.

To say that the ending that so many feared was coming came long ago and we have simply been living in it's shadow.

I want us to admit more than this being a failure from the start.

To say America never was great and never can be.

That sometimes, sometimes the rot is so deep in the root that a pruning does not breed possibility.

That the only hope for a harvest lies in the fields being re-sown entirely.

And I wanna know why this isn't possible.

I wanna know why we started learning somewhere down the line that a president is always needed, that a country is always needed, that the police are always needed, that any of this has ever been and will always be needed.

And I wanna know how after slavery, genocide, colonialism and all of the ways that they've renamed the taking, how in the world that they convinced us that they knew how to run one better than we did, or do.

And I know it's sometimes hard to imagine that all of us can truly get free, but I need you to believe that we already are.

I need you to believe that we always have been, no matter the master or the monarch, but only if we dare to dream beyond what we can see, only if we understood that re-skinning or re-gendering the beast would never change a rumbling in it's belly.

See sometimes, sometimes I daydream I will live to see a day that a child is born so free that they will hear this poem and wonder what the hell a president even is.

And I believe that we can do it.

And I accept that we will be ourselves in the doing.

I accept that there will be disagreement, that we will conflict as we unravel our imposed inhumanity, as we realize that we have less to learn than to unlearn as we remember our collective body.

And I wanna know why this isn't possible.

I wanna know why we started learning somewhere down the line that a president is always needed, that a country is always needed, that the police are always needed, that any of this has ever been and will always be needed.

And I wanna know how we were asked to write to one lie, from one president in one poem, as if the sum of this country's presidencies have been anything but an untruth.

45 lies, yes, but so did 44 and so will 46, and so will our writing if we do not speak to the entirety of this.

Oh silly writers, how quickly we forget.

We who were once ruled by thrones and those that told us they were born to sit upon them.

We the descendants of those who overthrew dynasties and decapitated dictators.

Who are we, in this moment, to not remember how much we've already overcome.

How dare we write so small.


ID: screenshot from the game A Bewitching Revolution, of a sitting black cat whose only visible features are their yellow eyes looking directly at the reader, below is text: "if socialism does not stand unflinchingly for the exploited and oppressed masses of all lands then it stands for none and its claim is a false pretense"

Real talk (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

ID: photo of actor Sinbad in a neon pink frame, he has a wide slightly awkward smile, and has his hand out to gesture asking a question, above in pink neon letters it says: "Real talk!" and in the frame next to the photo it says in plain black text: "so are we going to overthrow the fucking government or what?", with his signature bellow


ID: text at the top says "Them: you're really going to die for drag queens and queer folk?" below is an image of Dale from King of the Hill, wearing a balaclava with sunglasses and a red had with an anarchy A on it, he is smoking a cigarette, and saying "someone is"


ID: A fabric tag being held up in front of a pink wall, the tag says: "maybe I'm not too sensitive, maybe you're just a dickhead?"


ID: text on a vintage looking floral background: "We sad bitches, but we bad bitches"

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