Badass birds (threadreaderapp.com)

Birds say f.u. & thanks for the building materials. Thread contains link to open-access article.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Robotnik99@lemmynsfw.com to c/anarchism@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I still remember my first wife

Her name was Nina, a real whore!

Queen of Cod of the Saint-Denis Plain,

She was a whore by Rivoli Street!


Death to the cows! Death to the prisoners [4]!

Viva the children of Cayenne! Down with the children of safety!

She was luring the client when my fate as a convict

Came knocking on her door as a rich man...

He spit on her, filled with his disdain,

Put her hand up her ass and called her a whore


I was her boyfriend and not a cowhide,

I who in my youth took apache principles[5],

'Took out my 6.35, and a bullet through the heart

I laid him stiff dead and was caught in the hour!...


Immediately arrested, he was led to Cayenne.

That’s when I served my penalty...

Youngs of today, don’t fuck around anymore,

Because, in a simple way, we put you in jail!


If I die, I want to be buried

In a small town near Rue Saint-Martin,

Four hundred naked whores will cry out loud:

"It is the king of the Julots who is buried!"

Chorus (bis)

French : Je me souviens encore de ma première femme

Elle s'appelait Nina, une vraie putain dans l'âme !

La Reine des morues de la plaine Saint-Denis,

Elle faisait le tapin près la rue d'Rivoli !

Refrain :

Mort aux vaches ! Mort aux condés [4]!

Viv' les enfants d'Cayenne ! A bas ceux d'la sûr'té !

Ell' aguichait l'client quand mon destin d'bagnard

Vint frapper à sa porte sous forme d'un richard...

Il lui cracha dessus, rempli de son dédain,

Lui mit la main au cul et la traita d'putain


Moi qui étais son mec et pas une peau de vache,

Moi qui dans ma jeunesse pris des principes d'apache[5],

'sortis mon 6.35, et d'une balle en plein cœur

Je l'étendis raide mort et fus serré sur l'heure !...


Aussitôt arrêté, 'fus mené à Cayenne.

C'est là que j'ai purgé le forfait de ma peine...

Jeunesses d'aujourd'hui, ne faites plus les cons, Car d'une simpl' conn'rie, on vous fout en prison !...


Si je viens à mourir, je veux que l'on m'enterre

Dans un tout p'tit cim'tière près d'la rue Saint-Martin,

Quatr' cents putains à poil viendront crier très haut : « C'est le roi des julots que l'on coll' au tombeau ! »

Refrain (bis)

Edit : minors translations errors and formating

Chomsky on having a job (www.youtube.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853128

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I would like to learn more about these tendencies, can you recommend any texts that describe those?

Comment to "war of squats" in Warsaw (theanarchistlibrary.org)
submitted 11 months ago by sem@lemmy.ml to c/anarchism@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hi there!

I'm relatively new to anarchism, so I'd like to ask a few questions. I was very inspired by the book by F. Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) which changed my mind and convinced me why regulation doesn't work. Before this book I believed in the world trend towards regulation for the common good. Now I'm looking for a more general book on why government doesn't work at all. What can you recommend? I'm an engineer and prefer more economic and less philosophical books (like one by F. Hayek). Is there anything like that?

And more generally, what is the general opinion on private property in the anarchist community? I tried to google it but found controversial views. I know there are left-wing (Geoism/Georgism?) and right-wing (anarcho-capitalism?), but I think there should be something common about the property question...

Thanks in advance!

Against the Logic of the Guillotine (theanarchistlibrary.org)

This is a long-ish read but definitely worth it.


i know only a little bit about each philosophy. they seem so similar, and i wonder, are they really just the same thing in spirit? or would you make certain distinctions? i'm seeking more understanding. i know that each has a different history, but i am asking about the philosophies themselves, separate from their manifestations.

additionally, are there other titled philosophies that are more or less the same as these?

i have read some definitions of so-called "classical liberalism" and they vary. some say that it is a philosophy that isn't attached to any political agendas, but other definitions bind it to certain political agendas. i presume that so-called anarchism and libertarianism are also defined in different ways depending on who you ask.

it seems to me that many of the terms people use to categorize each other are too ambiguous, over-simplify, become perverted over time, and cause too much misunderstanding. maybe we should rid ourselves of these category conventions altogether, but that's a conversation for another time; my primary question is enough of a topic for this post's discussion.


Here's a modern classic introduction to anarchism. Love this text!

Welcome (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I've set up this community for anarchists who want access to a reddit-like fediverse instance, without being beholden to tankie control, and even better, one run by anarchists.

Nothing against raddle btw, they're good peeps (I'm there as well) but I personally prefer my social media distributed, if possible.

So come over and hang. If anyone wants to help with the burden of mod rights as well, lemme know.


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