they may be thirsty for a platform that isn’t run by oligarchs

Except this isn't the case at all, evidently.

I doubt they care at all who runs the platform they use (again, evidently), they just want the addictive dopamine hit these apps are designed to constantly provide (the vast majority of people didn't leave fb or twitter because of zuck or musk, they left because something more addictive and personally tailored thanks to even more intrusive and manipulative algorithms came along). Honestly, the idea that this migration is fuelled by any anti-rich/anti censorship sentiments (neither of which is met by rednote) is completely ridiculous.

Otherwise I agree, the fediverse can be hard for people to pick up, which is a shame, but I think those who genuinely do want to get away from oligarchs, the state, and their censorship, rather than just keep swiping (or whatever you do on tiktok/rednote) for their dopamine, are much more likely to actually make the small effort it requires to figure it out.

Lmmfao, who do you think runs the Chinese government, the workers?

Anyway, thanks for providing an example of exactly the kind of bullshit and excuses I was referring to.

(sarcasm. the CCP is hatefully repressive to queer identities.)

And yet, here you are, making this post.

Would you be making a post giving trump props if an occasion happened where he was the broken clock that happened to be right that one time? No? Then what are you doing here? (I don't need you response, this is something you should be asking yourself)

[-] 11 points 1 day ago

Oh, they're definitely people, just class betraying, oppressive, abusive people, who dedicate their lives to work exclusively in service of even more oppressive and abusive people, in exchange for some power to trip on.

I couldn't give two fucks what a bastard would like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

a country that only cares about billionaires and companies

So... Both countries involved?

Social mobility just works in both directions, and about as often.

Yeah, no, that's a massive streaming pile of self soothing bullshit that isn't convincing anyone but you.

[-] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Let’s say that you have an opportunity to gain billions to fix the society from the top.

Society can not, and never will be, fixed from the top.

Nor is money the solution to our problems, if anything, it is a huge part of the cause (and why communism aspires to a moneyless society, among other things).

So even if I say I'd only accept the money if I could instantly redistribute it, as long as other billionaires, and the systems that create and uphold them, exist, my personal actions would probably make little difference in the long run, and any money I shared would end up right back in their pockets (by virtue of how capitalism works).

[-] 30 points 1 day ago

Thanks for the heads up.

OP - my feedback is fix this.

Ok, fantastic! I definitely agree with trying it out more open at first and then adjusting as/if needed when issues come up. Which they're bound to, because we're a bunch of random people on the internet after all, but I think addressing them as they come would be easier both on you in terms of not having to plan ahead for every eventuality (easier said than done, I know), but also easier to resolve each individual issue, because it'll be right in front of you/the community to assess and consider as is, rather than a hypothetical.

Thanks for taking the time to talk things through and clarify, it is very much appreciated, and is a great sign of things to come!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding? From what I gather from this post, while those who have been vouched for (and thrediverse enjoyers) can vote, but only those who donate can open threads up in the relevant comm, which to my understanding is the only way to bring issues up for a vote in the first place? That seems like more privilege.

Like I said, I hear you, and I understand that it is a complicated issue to resolve, and that this is only an initial solution, but that you are aware and taking it in to consideration, and I'm genuinely not trying to give you a hard time or be a pain, just wanting to keep my concern on the record.


Now I know we've discussed this and that you've clearly explained why this is currently the case and heard and understood my concerns (as I have yours), and also clarified here that it is just an initial solution, so I'm not trying to rehash the discussion, but just want to stay on the record saying that I am uncomfortable with those who can donate money being given more privilege/power, however seemingly minor, than those who can't, and I am really hoping a better solution can be worked out eventually.

Either way, thank you for all the time and resources you have and are investing in this instance, this development is genuinely exciting, and I can't wait to see how it'll work in practice!

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