The Avatar episode about No War in Ba Sing Se would fit in as well. Oh, and the opening episodes of the classic Battlestar Galactica - the Cylons attack when the opposition is gathered for a peace conference. We might relate if WW3 starts.
Battlestar 1978 - Saga of a Star World trailer
We probably should make a list of stuff for everybody to select and show for their respective libraries.
*Avatar: The Last Airbender, episode 14, "City of Walls and Secrets".
*Babylon 5: seasons 4 and 5 focus on the civil war with Earth. In one of the episodes, Sheriden asks incoming warships about what they are supposed to do when issued illegal orders. We could use a supercut of B5 that is solely concerned with the civil war, since the series is filled with many unrelated plot threads.
On that note, Mac's Lore did an episode that summarizes the civil war.
*V: An alien invasion, in which the aliens literally wear human skin to make themselves appear normal. Aside from eating mice and things, they institute fascism. The series is all about forming a resistance against them. There is also a reboot of V, but I don't recall which series got to their conclusion.
The one cold comfort I take away from this, is that the civil war against Dogey America would end faster than if the bastards were competent.