[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 9 hours ago

Porque no los dos

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 9 hours ago

It seems to me you just haven't found a good tactic that works for you. You could tell us what you normally do?

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 10 hours ago

I think your number is from a statistic on share of desktop usage. But I could be wrong about that too.

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 31 points 1 day ago

He sure was violent.

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 114 points 1 day ago

Skype still... exists?

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 38 points 1 day ago

Nerd fight! Nerd fight! Nerd fight! Show 'em your bionicles collection!

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 5 points 2 days ago

Go attend your evening affairs, god damnit!

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 5 points 2 days ago

It was a nice reveal but to be honest, what kind of importance did it really have? The Daniels from ENT was quite involved in the story, Kovich was more a side character that here and there gave some input. Looking back, how does knowing he is Daniels change anything in the events he was part of? I might not remember his involvement well enough to be fair.

One thing I disliked was, Owo and Detmer are away half the season, and I saw an article that the actresses just had different projects so that's fine. They got replaced by... People whose characters were never really developed since they were stand-ins. Don't even recall their names. And then when its the big goodbye celebration scene on Discovery its Owo and Detmer there, but not the two replacements? Goddamn Rayner was there too but you left out these two? That was cold.

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 34 points 3 days ago

I think you had them at crypto.

[-] RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de 74 points 3 days ago

I am a bit worried the response to this here is not a unified everyone's an asshole in this screenshot.

Academic publishing is in a very sorry state for a long time by now. A lot of research that is published is not reproducible. A lot of actual research is also in fact never published like that because companies base their products on it and publish those results only as patents.

So just by trying to be smug and oppose the Muskie you show yourself to be an idiot. Well done.

Amazing attitude (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de to c/linkedinlunatics@sh.itjust.works

Let's work from home when the kids are sick, thank you great company that I am allowed to slave away for you while taking care of my sick kid! It isn't even a US company it seems.

Edit: guess I should have posted to unpopularopinions instead!

I just wanted to add I cut off the photo of the person on purpose. She is posting that with her sick child in her lap and that photo has been taken by some other person, not a selfie. If you are not feeling that the content of the post is bad, you hopefully still agree that presenting your sick child in an almost professionally looking photo to the world for LinkedIn clout is not great.


Not going to spoil what that is though...

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

...the placement of these stairs really cracks me up.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I guess most people know about the movie web app site, which pulls videos from various sources.

Recently they added a request to download an extension to your browser, for optimal perfomance and better quality.

It is featured on the firefox android extensions site from Mozilla, it has a github page. What I read online is that it seems the extension wants access to everything you do in your browser, which seems kind of sketchy.

What do people here think about it? Anyone installed it and can say more?

Edit: thanks for all the comments, looks like less people knew about this than I thought.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by RootBeerGuy@discuss.tchncs.de to c/science@mander.xyz

Not sure this fits in the community but I felt it is an important topic that needs visibility. Researchgate made a deal with MDPI to prefer some of their journals on the site over other publications or journals. It will likely be impossible to know if suggestions you see in the future are genuine or paid for by this deal.

MDPI made a post on their site about this https://www.mdpi.com/about/announcements/7051

I could not find an announcement on the Researchgate site so far. Possible enshittification of Researchgate up ahead?

Nothing suspicious to see... (discuss.tchncs.de)

Just something to rant about, obviously ShatteredPD is great and I still enjoy playing it after so many years...

...however! The one addition I don't like is to use the crystal keys for so many more goodies than just the two chests rooms.

It used to be when you found a crystal key, you would immediately know there are two chests waiting for you, maybe even the crystal chest mimic. I was always excited to find those keys because it meant I would get a new hopefully useful item.

These days however, its just one of many possibilities and once you find that second or third key, you know its not the chest. I don't dislike adding all these other options, but I like them all less than the original chests. Could there not be another key type to use for those? Like the golden ones, if it has to be an existing type. Or make the original crystal keys into something else, skull key or dragon keys or whatever. Rat king keys maybe. Please?


Is there any good FOSS app that could record the phone GPS location, but keep the data locally on the same phone, no dialing out?

Like the Google Maps location history, just not sharing it with Google services.


I need some help with some new suggestions for what I want from my tiny homeserver, made up by a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB (passive cooling case) and an external hard drive. That server will not be reachable from outside my home network, if that makes a difference for suggestions.

I am looking for an easy solution that works well on the limited resources of the Rpi. What I mostly need is an app I can self-host that has a nice and well performing gallery function, I got tons of old photos from when I still used digital cameras a lot. Those are already sorted in folders, and I want that app to not mess with that at all, just read them basically.

What I also need is for that app to be able to auto-upload new photos from my phone regularly, so I can include them more easily in backups of my server. I also do not want them to be weirdly hidden in some strange folder structures, so that they remain accessible if I want to change apps again down the road.

Here is what I tried already: Photoprism - loved it in general, but all the indexing was super slow on the Rpi of course. I didn't really need the AI features of it either. It also made quite big thumbnails for the image analysis so it would really add a huge requirement of a ton more storage space just for features I did not want to use, I understand those could be downscaled but the process seemed tedious and resource-intensive. Overall wasn't practical for the Rpi, if I had a stronger server I'd try again.

Nextcloud - thats the current solution I am looking at, since it got all I want. Auto-upload, easy access, no resource-heavy features I don't need. But overall, it is pretty slow on the Rpi for scrolling through photo libraries. I found today the NC Photos app on Google Play Store, which seems to work better than the Nextcloud App to look at galleries, but still seems slow.

Aside from that I found out about Immich, but cannot test it right now since my Rpi runs on 32bit. But it sounded to me like a lighter type of Photoprism app, maybe not fair to say, I know its supposed to be like Google Photos. But the stuff it does for face recognition and what else makes it sound again like a choice I won't enjoy using on the Rpi. Maybe that is an unfair view? I see recently the feature that allows external libraries in it, was added, so that fits my needs.

Anyway, thanks for reading all this, I will end with the question, are there any other solutions that I haven't considered so far?


I am going to soon start over with my homeserver that has jellyfin running on it and I'd like to take over all user accounts on there plus their collected data, like watched episodes, into the new installation. Its a linux system, no docker, next system is going to be the same basically.

Via searches I found a few solutions online, some on reddit, some other places so it seems possible. Just asking here as well since no one has asked before, seeing this is a quite new channel, but also because all solutions I found go back a few years and I wondered if there is anything more recent I may have missed in my search.

Some solutions were heavily hands on looking up data in sql tables, if there is anything more user friendly it would be great.

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