submitted 2 days ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by dafunkkk@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I'm using this music player (sadly not Foss) but after last update is not working anymore (issue with gplay app)...any Foss alternative to it? feature that I'm looking for is playlist creation and export, file management (delete/copy file)...music cut/trim is a plus Thanks

edit: at the end I choose vanilla music seems an abandoned project but it l accomplish all my needs. Hope someone can refresh the project (UI especially... 😉) Thanks To all

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by swooosh@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

It feels completely different, yet very similar. I like it. Feels like the most modern app on my phone now.

Edit: I don't like the floating action button search but that's just my opinion. Maybe I just have to get used to it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Community News

Aurora Store was updated to 4.4.4 and will deemed stable in the next-next index update. You can update now manually if you wish.

Grazer Linuxtage Schedule has changed its application identifier due to some, ahem, alternative centralized store policy. Its users are advised to uninstall and install the new app aptly named: Grazer Linuxtage

NewPipe is reproducible again and was updated to 0.27.0 fixing a lot of bugs users were waiting for months already. We hope future versions get delivered faster.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by otter@lemmy.ca to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Looks like a lot of performance improvements and bug fixes

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by shortwavesurfer@monero.town to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I want to like it, but it is not sending me push notifications, and that is a deal breaker. I run lineage OS and have ntfy as a unified push provider but expected that the app would be able to have a check interval at which time it would send me notifications if anything was new. The description says it's capable of doing notifications, but I did not see them in several hours of using it with notifications turned on. This is probably one I will revisit in the future to see if there's any progress on it.

Edit: I just realized in filing a comment on a bug report with my experience this morning that the system never did prompt me to allow notifications for the app. So I manually went in and allowed notifications and so we will see if that works.

Edit 2: that worked. Add a new feed, swipe up to go to app switcher, tap read you icon, tap app info, tap notifications, and turn them on. Switch back to read you, long press a feed, and tap allow notification (it doesnt respect the setting when you add the feed for some reason)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Legend@lemmy.sdf.org to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can't find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn't used to add live in your what's new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .

submitted 2 weeks ago by Legend@lemmy.sdf.org to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml


Fossify is all about community-backed, open-source, and ad-free mobile apps. A fork of the SimpleMobileTools, which is no > longer maintained, and we're here to continue > the legacy, bringing simple and private tech > to everyone.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Titou@sh.itjust.works to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Hi lemmy, im looking for a alarm clock app that can simulate the sunlight, i couldn't find one on fdroid.

submitted 2 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by dafunkkk@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Recently installed Mull browser (with ublock origin) but when I try to reach google not secure site page is showed. Tried disabling HTTPS force and strictly privacy settings but nothing change. Any ideas? google is working with other browser so it's a mull problem only. Thanks

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by max641@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Spirit FM is no longer maintained.

Any forks / alternatives ?

Edit: Android phones in the last year with FM support.


HeliBoard Green Dot (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by AnonUser@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14610678

I just noticed that my HeliBoard icon in the list of apps has a green dot to the left of the name below the icon itself. I have no idea what it means -- it seems to be different form the privacy green dot you may get in the top notification area.

Also, I've noticed that when I type, not only do some things get underlined in red (I think it's for misspelling), but also in blue. Any idea what that means?

Thank you

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by barbara@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

It's awesome there are already so many reproduxible builds on fdroid. Why aren't there more? Do devs simply not care enough? Or is it too difficult?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Sneak preview. Read more on the page itself :

F-Droid and F-Droid Basic were updated to 1.20.0-alpha1. Targets got bumped and they have their first victim, the panic button. Was that something you ever used?

But it’s not all bad news, a Bluetooth crash is fixed, there’s tighter integration with the unattended updates code for Android 14 and later, permissions icons and screenshots look better and the install buttons were enlarged so your locale translations fit better.

Did you get a chance to update and test? Community News

@linsui felt the breeze first:

A month ago we announced that the beloved Geometric Weather app was removed. We promised news soon, and here they are, Breezy Weather, A powerful, open-source Material Design weather app is available, featuring a beautiful design and a special F-Droid flavor: all weather sources are FOSS. The standard flavor is also completely FOSS but includes weather sources that might need API keys to be accessible.

We’ve been using our PR skills to reach developers as needed. For a while, F-Droid contributors where helping to include more apps from the Proton team, (by the way ProtonVPN - Secure and Free VPN was updated to Proton’s response was positive and a developer soon contacted us. After some back and forth, the app was built by our CI, tested and included. As an update was dropped between cycles, Proton Pass, was built and published. Then why isn’t it listed in Newly Added Apps? Well… the app crashes on start. Proton devs are working on a fix and ask you to refrain from installing the app for now. We will inform you of future developments as we have them.

@Licaon_Kter might not use emojis:

We are sad to see that OpenBoard didn’t get developed in the last 2 years. Many others felt the same and have forked it to continue working on it. HeliBoard, Customizable open-source keyboard, is now live, 100% offline and expands on the feature set of the old app.

submitted 3 weeks ago by boebbele@feddit.de to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I use tailscale app from Fdroid. It works for me since over 2 years. Since the last update the app dont start. The app crashes on every start. I use a custom rom iodeos.

What can I do?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by dafunkkk@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

as title, if I try to share multiple image to k9mail seems that compression is done for all but just one is attached in the mail. Any solution or alternative to this scenario? Thanks

HeliBoard Questions (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 weeks ago by AnonUser@lemmy.world to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14368233

Noob here (and I posted some of this already as a reply o an older post: https://lemmy.world/comment/8190997 )

I actually just installed HeliBoard through Obtainium, and have a bunch of questions.

First of all, I’m confused – I installed HeliBoard_1.2-release.apk . I didn’t really know how HeliBoard_1.2-debug.apk and HeliBoard_1.2-nouserlib.apk were different.

Also, I just installed that and nothing else. It’s giving me suggestions, but no corrections. Is that because I didn’t install any dictionaries? If so, how do I install one – do I just click on the download icon here https://codeberg.org/Helium314/aosp-dictionaries/src/branch/main/dictionaries/main_en_us.dict ? And what do I do then? Sorry, noob here.

On the other languages and autocorrect issues discussed here: https://lemmy.world/post/12769494 – it sounds like it used to have the equivalent of GBoard’s globe icon you could click on to switch languages but not anymore? You have to go to settings and uncheck English and check whatever other language you want to use?

And, it seems like I can do the equivalent of Shift + key on a standalone keyboard (for example, to get 1 instead of Q), but I don’t know how to, or what that’s even called.

Thank you!


Fossify Notes Is the replacement for the simple notes that was acquired by an Ad tech company. And further updates were closed source.

KDE Connect updated (f-droid.org)
submitted 3 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Notable change is :


  • Added Bluetooth support (beta)
submitted 1 month ago by soloojos@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago by grid11@lemy.nl to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

If you use mobile data only on your phones, and you update your apps by transferring apks through local connection (offline), bad news.

Saving to external storage is gone, and every single phone will need to download updates through Aurora separately, either by using up mobile data or connecting to WiFi.

On version 4.4.3 this feature is already gone.


... both settings were dropped. I am open to patches if someone can implement it again using the documents API which is recommended by Android.


If you know any app that can extract split apks, so that it can transferred and installed afterwards on another phone, please let me know. Thanks

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I turned on my old HTC espresso after a decade and I remembered that I loved this app.

It creates an unique profile image for contacts without a profile picture

So now when you open the contact list instead of having a list of capital letters in a circle you have a list of capital letters in a more colorful circle

Unfortunately it's now outdated and discontinued, but it still works on Android 14.

Seems like some asshole took the source code and republished the app as is, without credit, in the Amazon app store to get some financial incentive (around 2014 blackberry paid devs to republish their apps and many assholes decided that it was a good idea to "steal" open source apps)

After this, dev took development private but then got tired of the update treadmill that Google forces on the play store, so the apps were automatically delisted.

Luckily, fdroid doesn't have such artificial limitations on outdated apps that still work as intended.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

Refreshing the main F-Droid repository shows it as new. Can't find it on the website yet. Nice for Proton users to have it on F-Droid.

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