Its owned by Kape technologies - a former malware distributor that operates in Israel:
Debian Stable ± Flatpak gets best of both worlds
not just its origin, but the trackers embedded within:
What I don't understand though, doesn't using mullvad automatically set their own DNS?
Debian stable + Flatpak
For any (k)ubuntu refugees, do as I did and switch to Debian!
Plain ol Debian
I use GrapheneOS, I run Instagram in a seperate user profile within its own storage scope alongside an app called "Tracker Control" and block most trackers that way.
Has to be organic maps.
I was a big supporter of OSM+ but its just too buggy to be reliable - My last trip it constantly said "keep left" when driving ( a topography bug apparently) And it has got the wrong route too many times.
Unfortunately organic maps relies on your phones TTS for voice navigation - and I can't seem to get that working with grapheneOS (even third party TTS)
use anki instead if your looking for an alternative