[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 67 points 1 week ago

Not /s sadly.

Just look at Bernie Madoff.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 69 points 1 week ago

Would been on the cover of Forbes.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 53 points 2 weeks ago

He asked for it.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 78 points 2 weeks ago

This sounds like one of those teen movies from the early 2000s.

This whole scenario could have been Stifler from American Pie. Dare you to tell me I'm wrong.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 65 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

This is America dude. Human life costs $7.25 an hour here. We can't even do anything to keep children safe from their number 1 killer here.

Nobody cares. Those who do care are completely powerless to change anything.

Yes. Mistakes will happen. People will die. People die every day right now. Many of them because they can't afford life saving medicine. I'd happily take a risk on this before I'd saddle my family with $50,000 a month for medicine that you can get in Canada or Mexico for $50.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 74 points 2 weeks ago

Bull (pause for emphasis) shit.

It's got 30 god damned years to draw on. Properties that longtime fans have been begging for for literal decades.

A quarter century of neglected IP. Just pick some. And make them.

Of course we all know the real problem. Those old IP can't or won't work as an always online live service. So they won't make quintillions of dollars a year. They'd make some money if they're made true to the original vision. But the goal isn't to make some money. It needs to make all the money. It needs to be a killer app. An Overwatch killer or Fortnite killer. Can't ever be happy to just make money. Staying in the black isn't good enough.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 56 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The framing of this is kinda odd. They don't want the war to stop. Or rather, they don't want specifically the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native indigenous people to stop. They want the war to end because it's destroyed the economy of the occupied territories. They wanna go back to brunch. With a side of stealing land from the natives and the occasional lynching of Palestinians.

They don't like war when they can feel it at home.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 70 points 2 weeks ago


Israeli forces fire on UN food agency's team in Gaza again.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 57 points 3 weeks ago

Make no mistake my Northern neighbors. Your fascists have the same plans for you that ours have for us. Never doubt it.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 75 points 3 weeks ago

RIP Topsy.

You didn't deserve that.

[-] RangerJosie@lemmy.world 62 points 4 weeks ago

Alright kids.

There's this wonderful thing called "Jury Nullification"

That means if 1 juror refuses to convict then there is no conviction.

It is your privilege, right, and I daresay even duty to use this helpful tool when you deem it necessary. If you're called for Jury Duty on a case. Let's say non violent drug case. I don't believe nonviolent drug offenses should be against the law at all except in the case of something really bad like Fentanyl. So if I was called I would refuse to convict if the defendant was there for let's say Mary Jane.

But don't ever say those words. Don't allude to it. Don't discuss it with your fellow jurors. Don't Google it after you've been called. It's your secret. But it's a secret everyone should know if you get my meaning.

Now go forth and make the world a better place.

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