[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 47 points 4 weeks ago

Ukraine ‘heading for partial ceasefire talks’ before Kursk offensive

In a major shift earlier in August, both sides had agreed to send delegations to the Qatari capital Doha for indirect talks to halt attacks on energy infrastructure, The Washington Post reported. However, the Russian side postponed the meeting after Ukraine’s troops stormed into its territory on Aug 6. Moscow’s delegation described it as an “escalation”, an unnamed diplomat said.

Russia is yet to call off the negotiation entirely and Ukraine’s presidential office said that the Doha summit would still take place on Aug 22 via video link. However, a spokesman for Russia’s foreign ministry denied the claims on Sunday afternoon, stating that the talks could not be disrupted as they were not set to take place in the first place.

It starts making sense. Maybe someone on the NATO/Ukraine side got worried that ceasefire talks might actually lead to ceasefire.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 73 points 1 month ago

I have started noticing, in the last year or so, a reversal in West^TM^ in regard to green energy rhetoric (EV and solar in particular) and is becoming worse and worse as time goes by.

This is not the usual global warming denial. In fact you rarely see outright denialist any more (what are they gonna argue about any more anyway, since it is plainly obvious what is happening in the world...).

What you do see from MSM, to YT channels, to everything, is an effort to downplay or even dismiss the potential positive impact EV and solar technology could have and already has in regard to global warming and our way of life in general.

It's quite obvious that this is a result of what is happening in China.

I believe Burgeristan and their puppets thought (10+ years ago) that they would become world leaders in EV, solar and other green technologies.

They thought they could monopolize the industry and sell it to the rest of the world as the only possible solution.

If you didn't subscribe to their, ridiculously overpriced, Greenflix service you would be deemed a barbarian third world nation that leads humanity to catastrophy (which of course we, the West, had nothing to do with...) and you would have many sanctions imposed on you.

So for a time almost everyone went along with green technology in West^TM^*.

Green roofs, green roads, green new deals, you name it.=

There was only one problem.

Burgeristan is run by complete idiots.

They thought that we are in the 30s and 40s where US still had semi-competent captains of industry that could compete with the rest of the world or that they had a political elite that was actually capable of multi-year planning and wasn't completely subservient to the economic elite.

Instead what they got was the Cybertruck and Solar Freaking Roadways.

So what now?

I believe the rhetoric against EVs and Solar is gonna get much worse for starters. The "China is spying on you don't buy from them" is not gonna fly for long.

What we are gonna see more and more is a focus on the technologies themselves. "These technologies are not viable/profitable" is what you are gonna hear.

The next step will probably be Burgerland developing their own version of "green technology". Maybe focus on hydrogen, "clean coal", maybe something else who knows**. They will probably give it some asinine name like "Green Freedom" or something...

Then they will try to create a new Edison vs. Tesla, Direct vs Alternative Current situation and will use their military/economic influence to force countries to adopt their inferior technology.

They will fail of course because again they are run by complete idiots (and I'm not even taking politicians into account, they have no say in this anyway...) but what else are they gonna do at this point. They can no longer compete with China. This is their only play.

So when that finally fails (because you know at the end of the day even puppet nation have a survival instinct) all that they will have left will be an empty anti-China rhetoric.

Their barbarian germanic protestant syphilitic brains could not imagine a "non-white" nation surpassing them. But here we are. So instead of taking all the ill gained surplus value they extracted from the rest of the world for 300 years and actually invest it in something sustainable, they just want to go and kill their neighbor's mule.

Judging by what is happening in the last year or so, I would say we might see a complete reversal in 2-4 years with people that previously where telling you to vote insert status-quo party otherwise "X guy comes and it's the end of the world (due to global warming)" now they will call you a China puppet for wanting the most affordable green high-tech in the world made by China.

Sorry for the long thread. I was thinking about making a post about it but I'm not sure people outside the news mega give a damn about these things anyway.

*Fossil fuel industry at that point was playing both sides. They knew that the world moving from fossil fuels was inevitable, but they wanted that transition to happen on their own terms. It had to be gradual so that they kept making superprofits and they had to create and control the new "green" monopoly.

**I wouldn't be surprised at all if lets say someone like Elon Musk does 180 in regard to EVs. Maybe he will pivot to another technology or maybe even he finds an excuse to outright sell Tesla (somehow...) and pivot to another grift altogether. That's if he manages not to go bust until then...

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 26 points 1 month ago

I wonder what it would take for Burgerstanies to realize that they actually don't live in a democracy and their politicians are at best middle managers for a conglomerate of financiers, MIC/Security apparatus and energy/food monopolists. Does the Lockheed Martin CEO have to go in the Senate and start swinging his dick around screaming "I OWN THIS BITCH" while all the senators applaud? I mean Netanyahu basically did that and still nobody gave a shit.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 49 points 1 month ago

Contrary to popular (social media) belief you do not have to have an opinion on everything. You can just shut up. If you got to have a opinion, have one that contributes , first and foremost, towards building socialism in your own country and if possible towards international solidarity. What you absolutely shouldn't do is cosplaying as the morally superior philosopher king up in the mountain that judges everything and everyone and especially people that have done things to better this world and the lives of ordinary people, despite all the limitations and all the contradictions.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 80 points 1 month ago

So there is lot of talk from the McDonalds "Left" about the Venezuelan elections being fraudulent or whatever. I don't have first hand experience but a journalist that I respect has and she went as an election observer in Venezuela. (Breakthrough news has also done some great coverage from what I have seen)

She reported that:

  • The election system that they have is probably one of the best (if not the best) in the world and is very hard to cheat. They have a triple verification system where you vote in an electronic machine using your fingerprint (instead of just an ID), you then get a receipt of what you voted (without any identification on the paper), and also the machine leaves a physical vote in a separate box so afterwards they can verify the differences between the receipts and what's in the ballot box.

  • Things were very calm in every election center she went. There was violence in certain places elsewhere. The world on the street was that certain people(...) where giving 150 dollars to anyone willing to participate to anti government riots. She said there is tremendous misinformation. At some point they were saying that an airport was taken over by anti-government forces. The problem was she was at that airport at that time and nothing was happening!

  • Internet is completely censor free. (Maybe you should rethink of it Nicolas...)

  • Maduro made a request to the Venezuelan supreme court so that the opposition parties submit any evidence that they have in regard to the elections so they can be cross examined. (BTW, the supreme court is elected by the parliament that included the opposition parties of course...)

  • Maduro had 5 assassination attempts against him in March alone. He wears bulletproof vest in his public appearances.

  • In the last 15 years the government has built 5 million houses and has made the country food independent.

  • Maduro when he gathered people around to express his thanks after the election he had 3 ambassadors beside him, those of China, Turkey and Iran

  • Many of the cars in Venezuela streets are Chinese (a phenomenon that I see not only about cars but in everything across Latin America)

  • Burgerland companies like Edison Research (that takes contracts from CIA, Voice of America etc.) where trying to create a climate, months before the elections, that basically the opposition was far ahead (they were polling the opposition as high as 70%!) so that when the real election results came they could say "Aha you see, our polling (that was 100% real of course) didn't match the election results so that means the government cheated!". So the western muppets ("left" and right) take what burgerland polling companies claim as better evidence than the election results themselves!

  • NYT about a month ago reported that the base of the opposition was inside the embassy of Argentina! They did that because the government can't check what's getting in and what is getting out of an embassy. That's why we show supporters of the government trying to get inside the embassy after the elections.

Loser "Left" is very concerned about elections in Venezuela, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet in China, arming Naz...excuse me freedom fighters in Ukraine, women rights in Iran at convenient times, LGBT rights in Palestine at convenient times and voting for the lesser of two evils in the imperial core in order to protect their proper...democracy. All of this just happens to be a stance that is very convenient for the US state department...nothing to see here.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 49 points 1 month ago

Not that USAian elections mean anything but it is hilarious that the guy survived an assassination , had a -let's face it- very iconic, almost cinematic moment and then he managed to completely f this up by selecting the biggest dufus on the planet as his VP and not being able to shut up for a second. It's like you score from the middle of the court and then your shorts come of for the world to see your tiny dick with a "I love furniture" tattoo in it. Just sit in front of a camera and say "I love Jesus" for 3 months dude and you win.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

As for China @shipwreck@hexbear.net

China for the last 20 years at least, has by far the most competent political leadership on the planet.

You think they don't know what's going on?

China has been balancing its' trade towards more domestic consumption since the later Hu Jintao period.

But they are not naive, they know that an economy heavily based on domestic consumption implies a bunch of things.

It implies running on deficits. It implies opening up capital flow. It implies losing control over the yuan. It implies giving the power to the financiers.

They are not gonna do that, despite what liberal academics inside China say. They are not gonna turn China into USA.

Instead the smartest politicians on the planet, they are gonna do the smart thing.

They are gonna turn that energy deficit into energy surplus, they are gonna invest in advance agriculture so they are not depended to anyone for food, they are gonna turn the 12% gross margin into 20-25%+, they are gonna use that surplus value to build more sustainable infrastructure and improve steadily the QoL of their citizens without sacrificing their competitive edge.

They gonna do all this until they develop their productive force so far that they can out-compete any of the regressive capitalist countries while at the same time provide better standard of living for their people. Then the realm of freedom (as Marx put it) is finally on the horizon. Then we win.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 38 points 1 month ago

I wanted to respond to @zed_proclaimer@hexbear.net and @shipwreck@hexbear.net but the previous thread got locked. https://hexbear.net/comment/5186705

In regard to Putin. Putin wasn't put in this position from his own will. He was forced into it.

Up until 2007-2008 he was the golden boy for the West(TM).

Putin though they were gonna let him (and Russia) in the club. He was gonna be one of the (imperialist) boys.

But West(TM) had other plans. The USA is not gonna let a country with 20k nuclear warheads become a member.

What if Russia starts having demands? USA can handle their little lapdogs (Germany, UK etc.) but a power like Russia?

So they played good old mediocre liberal boy Vlad like a fiddle all these years (he even admitted it in an interview, it was the one of the 4 hour long interview-address to the nation, last question from the audience for those that want to see it).

They were putting CIA NGOs all over the former USSR and its' satellites, they openly bribed politicians, they brought Poland into NATO, Czechia into NATO, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia even the freaking Baltics right next to his border. They started shit in Georgia, they staged a coup in Ukraine that brought literal Nazis into the front that were killing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine for years and it took an open and direct threat of turning the Black Sea into NATO sea to finally get him to do anything. And even after that, it took him 8 years to realize that they played him about the Minsk agreement too! Then it dawned on him that maybe they don't like him that much...

He keeps criticizing Lenin and Stalin but he is not good enough to clean their boots, while at the same time he has to draw from the legacy of USSR in order to keep the ship together because deep down he knows that was the best period in Russian history.

If today's Russian movements wants to win, they need to follow this line of thinking instead of tailing the liberals.

What I'm still afraid of is if USA does a U turn and starts shaking its' tail and playing friends to Russia, the liberal elite in Russia might still fall for it. There are still voices inside Russia that think friendship with USA is possible...

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 39 points 1 month ago

As far as "AI" goes, it's here to stay. As for OpenAI they will probably be bought off by one of the big ones, as is usually the case with these companies.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 21 points 1 month ago

Political discourse died at some point in the 2010s. Ever since, we are reliving a Groundhog Day nightmare time loop but only if you are a communist you become aware of it.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 40 points 1 month ago

Putin warns US of Cold War-style crisis if missiles deployed to Germany

Russian leader threatens to relaunch production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons if the United States deploys missiles to Germany.

“The flight time to targets on our territory of such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes,” Putin said. “We will take mirror measures to deploy, taking into account the actions of the United States, its satellites in Europe and in other regions of the world.”

If Putin gives nukes to Iran and Hezbollah, I say we should make him honorable member of the movement...then shoot him after the revolution.

[-] Postletarian@hexbear.net 69 points 1 month ago

How Skibidi Toilet became one of the most valuable franchises in Hollywood.

Future historians will analyze the period we are in and come to the conclusion that DPRK was the only rational society.

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