He's making a list ๐ฒ
He's checking it twice ๐
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
He's making a list ๐ฒ
He's checking it twice ๐
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Joker 3 - Pas de CEO
That's it for this roadtrip. But don't you worry there's plenty more CEO's all over this country. I'll be looking for you next time... on Deny Defend and Depose
he is a joke indeed
BadEmpanada? CEO's must be like Ukrainians to him. Another group of innocent sheep targeted for no reason and totally unprovoked.
He should be more careful. Didn't he read that other book?
No no no! It's a 'cryptic message' and has nothing to do with what you say. Pure coincidence and speculation. Call it angry wife/competition hitman, nutcase, lone wolf.... All good, but 'rich vulture getting his comeuppance' would be a precedent of something they really do not want to see.
"targeted attack"? Why don't the media use their less assumptuous wording like they do with Palestine? AFAIK "possibly a stray bullet found its way into a subject"
IDK the guy but I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. Pigs murder 1000+ people every year. With all the family members and friends they have and guns everywhere why do they never take revenge? And rich POS who screw millions of people at once especially.
Your karma for using Uber then isn't it?
hahaha, that violin music. Even the Daily Mail is taking a piss.