[-] No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

That's some seriously radioactive shit

Look who has the high ground here...

Ask ask the teenagers ending school in Florida wearing sweatshirt and a hoodie like if they live in Norway

This is not getting enough air time. All of the same MFs that cry about the Biden inflation were using PPP money to fuel luxury consumption and very few payroll amounts. Get them in jail.

My cousin in the Schengen area got breast cancer and went off to get treatment with 80% of her salary. After the first rounds feeling much better asked the social worker to go back and the answer was, not until you get to the last round and get medical clearance.
Try that in the US.
That shit radicalized me.

In the 1840s, 15 British shillings would have been equivalent to approximately $3.63 in U.S. dollars at the time. Adjusting for inflation, this amount is equivalent to about $123.24 in today's U.S. dollars.

If someone earned an amount equivalent to $123.24 per week in today's dollars, the daily rate for this income would be approximately $17.61 in today's U.S. dollars.

[-] No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston@lemmy.world 80 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

First paragraph of the article :

In October, many people in France became convinced their country was infested with bed bugs.
They saw the parasites everywhere, called exterminators in droves, and called for government action. But it appears that public panic far outstripped the bugs' actual prevalence.

While their population may have slightly increased over last year, there was no drastic spike in numbers.
The instance appears to be a textbook case of a media-fueled social panic
, where a group of people reacts negatively and in an extreme or irrational manner to a situation.

Oh they pleaded guilty but continued to talk trash and spread misinformation on TV and interviews, here it is, read all things first hand.

Nice try Barbara, but you're not an authority on this like former THROATUS Nancy Reagan, who major on trickle down Neckonomics.

Master's in Mansplaining: Course Overview

  1. Introduction to Mansplaining: Foundations and Historical Context.
  2. Advanced Over-explaining Techniques: Ensuring They REALLY Get It.
  3. "Ackchually" 101: Perfecting the Art of Pedantic Interruption.
  4. Body Language and Mansplaining: Dominating Physical Space.
  5. Eye Rolling Resistance Training: Preparing for Expected Backlashes.
  6. Condescension Theory: Making Simple Topics Sound Complicated.
  7. Selective Hearing: How to Ignore When They Say, "I Know.".
  8. Mansplaining in Digital Age: Dominating Online Conversations.
  9. Rhetorical Strategies: How to Talk in Circles and Never Concede a Point.
  10. Advanced Studies in 'Well, Actually': Beyond "Ackchually".
  11. Mock Lectures: Practice on Unsuspecting Friends and Family.
  12. Case Studies: From Interrupting to Over-elaborating.
  13. Mansplaining Across Cultures: Making Assumptions Worldwide.
  14. Debunking Mansplaining Myths: Or How to Justify Everything.
  15. Thesis Project: A 10-Hour Lecture on a Topic Your Audience Already Understands.


[-] No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston@lemmy.world 49 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I want to see how this goes in court when people can't test paternity for months. You see it makes a decent headline but is neither applicable nor effective for government or citizens.

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