[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 12 points 2 weeks ago

It's not even politics, It's just math. NATO has superiority in economy, industrial output, operational equipment and manpower.

Plus they're too close to Russia for asymmetric warfare rules.

I would bet on it, but I'd sure as hell wish we could all get along instead.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Sure thing "not genocide" Joe.

US investigated themselves and found themselves innocent of all blame in the murder of thousands of people. Israel was innocent too, funny that. No need to check.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago

Can't live your life sitting on the fence being friends with everyone. You gotta embrace your values and accept the consequences that some people will disdain you for it. If you can live with both the disdain and your consciousness, then you've picked the right place, i believe.

Fences are for birds.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Oh yeah no issues from me there. I was answering the original question of what maglev tech is for. Maglev only makes sense for very long distances.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 8 points 6 months ago

Why would they be conservative ? I do agree with you that this thread is full of people trying to justify the unjustifiable, but let me remind you the party in power providing its full unquestionable support for Israel is the Democrat party, spearheaded by Biden, a Democrat president, who is very, very happy and supportive with all this. So being a douche is a bit all over the place if you ask me. You can't necessarily point at douchebaggery and instantly realize it's conservative.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

When Squaresoft became Square Enix, the company died and took Final Fantasy with it and the first game they launched was a creepy fan service character assassination of a story.

I honestly found it degrading going from vibrant story criticizing religion and tradition to playing harem dress up in skimpy clothes with three teenage girls in a story that honestly feels like it doesn't go anywhere. It's just creepy things happening with weird unlikeable overly sexualized characters and if you complete all the to-do list you get the ending you want in the most contrived way possible.

Oh yeah Yuna gets with Tidus because she asks the fayth. The whole Vegnagun thing and all the half naked people and guys with greasy haircuts and people horny for the main chacters are irrelevant.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Might as well sue the ISP as well. Who else can parents blame for their lack of competence and awareness in what their children are doing in an environment where they can communicate, apparently in an unfiltered manner, with adults ?

It's really funny. Companies have made all sorts of lockdown programs and monitoring software anyone can purchase for any operating system and then there's parents blaming other entities for the fact that they have decided not to use those programs.

We chose not to have kids, but still we are apparently saddled with raising the kids other people chose to have. It's like having a toddler and no door, then your toddler walks into traffic, dies, and you blame the city for killing your toddler. That's UK law for you.

The guy in the article had the child send him 220 pictures right under a mother and father's nose before he was caught. A child who, by the way, was 11, barely a teen. Holy terrible parenting, batman. These people should lose custody immediately.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago

I'm going to wager that a lot of people exercise their democratic vote exactly like this.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

A dude got caught making bomb threats at Harvard because he was the only one in his university that connected to TOR and they knew from the entry node it had to be from that area. They checked the logs and only one PC had directly connected to the TOR network from that area at that time. The guy wanted more time to study.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think in this context no ship would ever approach nose-to-nose. That's just for the viewers to see. I'd wager no two ships would come into less than around 1-5 km of each other if they weren't lining up flight paths for shuttles or docking. It's not like they need to "stand up" next to each other and "talk".

They would probably have formations they would assume while in transit or stopped, so it would probably be normal to cross paths with a formation flying upside down or in a perpendicular axis.

In case of just meeting and talking, they'd probably do it from wherever they happen to be, very far from each other, flying towards different destinations.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ergo, vis-a-vis, cogito ergo sunt, per se. Exempli gratia, id est, quod erat demonstratum. Errare humanum est, carpe diem et requiescat in pace. In vinum veritas, semper fidelis, et pluribus unum.

I cast you away demon, with my fancy latin words.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 10 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Media talking about vapes is like: "Olympic athlete who vapes died of a hole in the lung from which he bled out of, raising awareness to the practice of vaping in society."

Article: "The Olympic athlete was shot during a home robbery. It's totally unrelated LOL."

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