[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 82 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Trump would only win if the Democrat party found someone seemingly more inept than him.

I am impressed that the Democrat party managed to present not one, but two outstandingly incompetent candidates. In a row. That's some bottom of the barrel advanced scraping techniques right there. They even managed to get a representation of both sexes.

I'm sure Mr. Biden will be terribly distraught, as soon as he is able to understand what's happening around him at the moment.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Russia has stated many things which are often contradictory and false.

Regardless, attacking NATO countries would be strategic insanity.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 45 points 3 weeks ago

I'm no anthropologist or anything, but I'm pretty sure the annexation of the West Bank would guarantee a permanent guerilla terrorist force operating within Israel's borders for the foreseeable future. Israel would never know peace. In 200 years they'll probably still trying to snuff out terrorist cells constantly killing civilians.

Just with this war they have created thousands of fresh new volunteers for Hamas both within and outside the general area of the conflict.

The way out of this is more empathy for the Palestinians, not less.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 91 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"Guys please, can you just ignore the dead children for one minute? They're already dead, it's not like they care anyway.

We're trying to make money here and your empathy for your fellow human beings is just mucking it all up. Please, please try to follow the apolitical rules we laid out and for the duration of the show and just stfu and give us money ok ? That's all we want. Bring the money and leave your messy politics at home. Your complaining makes other people not want to give us more money.

Remember why we're doing this. For culture and money. But mostly money. Thanks!"

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 27 points 1 month ago

What i figure from this is that the only reasons the Democrat party doesn't win more often in the US, is that they're really, really, really bad at their jobs.

Like take Hillary for instance. She only lost because she managed to look more incompetent than Trump. Now Trump is doing his darnest that no one will be more incompetent than him, but by all the starts in the universe, genocide Joe will give him a run for his money

Stay tuned for the election with the worst presidential candidates that the US could produce. It's so embarrassing, i fear my face might freeze in the cringe.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 40 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Speed. High speed trains clock in at 300 km/h, whereas maglev takes you to 600 km/h.

I agree with the above commenter, the EU needs to streamline passenger rights and international connections first, like they did for airtravel, but once that is taken care of, the next step is connecting European capitals on high speed maglev with very few stops.

To give you a sense of what such a transportation system could achieve, you could go from Lisbon to Kiev in 6 hours and a half at 600 km/h. If capitals served as country maglev hubs, we could do away with intra European flights altogether and cut a significant amount of flights to outside of Europe by concentrating the departures.

You could then have a hierarchy of sorts where maglev serves traveling between capitals, high speed between major cities within countries, regional between regions of smaller sparsely populated towns and local trains within cities or between close cities. Ideally if a passenger wanted to travel from a small town into another small town 3000 km away, the service should book all the appropriate hierarchy changes in one ticket.

The issue is that the line would have to be pretty much straight or have very shallow curves, due to the speed, so it would take a TON of land buying. That's complicated enough as it is without even considering the NIMBYs.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 34 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Spoken like a beauty pageant winner. Or one of those wooden plaques you find at the dollar store to put in an unfurnished house.

I guess when you're 20 or so and all you've done your whole life was support war crimes in an ethno state, you probably have the philosophy critical skills of a dollar store plaque. Just as religion intended.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 50 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

What's the first indicator a scientist tried to build their own experiment using the soldering station ?

The smell of burnt fingers.

What's the scientist waiting for sitting in front of their own experiment ?

Waiting for the infinite loop they coded to finish after they claimed they didn't need the engineer's help to write the code in their experiment.

How many scientists do you need to change a light bulb ?

Theoretically just one, but it can take several until one of them can call an engineer and admit they only know how to change light bulbs theoretically.

What does a scientist call an electrolytic capacitor ?

Acid distribution subsystem.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 24 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'm no Briton and i just know a few bits here and there of British history, but isn't the UK a traditionally mostly white country ?

I'm guessing half of say, Norwegians, also can't name a black Norwegian historical figure either. I'm betting it's even more than that and they're the most immediate neighbors of the UK.

I'm not saying they're not important to be remembered, or that there weren't black people in Europe since the Roman times, here and there, but statistically speaking, black people were the overwhelming minority.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 33 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ironic of this story to come out of a place called "Barbers" highschool. They take their haircuts pretty damn seriously up on that hill.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 73 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

A 9/11, a Pearl Harbor, a Holocaust even. Some people are already classifying it as a mass extinction event. Read here why those festival goers are aptly compared to the dinosaurs.

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