[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The US as a country is wholly complicit in this genocide. Both their major parties are 100% in support of genocide. Their universities are investing millions in weapons factories that create the tools of the genocide. Their taxpayer dollars go towards directly funding the genocide. This after the 20 years long wars they caused in the middle east with the countless suffering caused by that.

I am disgusted at Israel and the US. Never forget what the US really is. How can any of us from "third world" countries see the US as anything better than the worst that China and Russia have done ? They're all cut from the same cloth.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 16 points 5 months ago

Seize the means of unproductivity.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 16 points 6 months ago

Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Genocide Joe ?

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 18 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

They are mad because of the economic exemptions the EU gave Ukraine to support the war has hurt their profits. Ukrainian truck drivers are making the best of it and taking deals in Europe that are normally more expensive and Ukrainians have no access to.

Fuck that clickbait. Why do journalists feel the need to continue this annoying practice ?

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago

You can use fortsexually for every other sexual. That way bisexual can be reserved for twice sexual.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

We're billions of people on the planet. Most jobs don't even pay enough to feed a couple of people. I believe that there is an oversaturation of people on the planet and this has caused a devaluation of their labor.

Europe would have remained feudal for quite a longer time if the population collapse caused by the black plague hadn't happened and caused the demographic changes that it did. Without the plague, peasant labor would be plentiful and the status quo would not have changed. However, with the population reduction, the class in power had to concede to enough changes that brought about the Reinassance and the Industrial era quickly after.

In the Bronze age, without the climate changes that brought about cold and dry conditions and triggered the fall of the city states ruled by an oppressive theocratic class, humans would have still been tied to those stifling conditions for longer and wouldn't have brought about the classical era.

With the onset of AI and advanced robotics, population collapse will allow people to see their labor valued adequately, instead of just more and more people in the workforce working more hours and getting paid less and less, doing meaningless busy work jobs to pay for things that they don't need or enjoy, like crypto, gambling or online cam girls. A controlled collapse by fertility is not only non threatening, it is also desirable and the most acceptable way to cull numbers a bit. We need this, otherwise, the base of the pyramid will only get wider while the top will only get slimmer. Tragedy breeds suffering, but also change and we NEED change. The problem is the transition, but after the transition, we'll be in a better place as a society and we will bring about change.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 22 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Depends on what you wanna do with TOR. If you wanna be anonymous in your regular internet browsing and torrents, go with a good quality paid for VPN with no logs, like mullvad or proton. You don't need TOR at all. You're not worth the hassle.

If you're trying to commit chill crimes like ordering drugs online, then you should probably look up the DNM bible. Just TOR and maybe a bridge is enough probably, if people where you live in don't use TOR. LEO can't see your traffic but if you're the only one using TOR in your neighborhood, it's pretty easy to pin you.

If you're a journalist and you're about to piss off a powerful government, you probably need a bridge and TOR and a laptop with no hard drive. You will probably need some self hosted machines to obfuscate your traffic which you will need to recycle really often. You shouldn't use a phone. You also need a lot of money and a lot of help, specially in countries that are against the country you're pissing off. Opsec becomes a full time job, depending on how many friends you have.

If you're trying to run a drug empire or distribute CSAM, getting caught is merely a question of when no matter what you use, because even politically divergent countries and organizations will unite to put you in jail, even if they're normally on the crime side of things. Nobody likes CSAM distributors and drug empires usually don't make a lot of friends and make way too much money to keep the ones they do.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 23 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

This horse has been beaten to death. There are literal computer science papers debating this specific issue. More than one even. Refuting you here is just a waste of time. Go read those much more comprehensive papers than anything that could be written here. Just use your search engine of choice and type Anonymity, TOR and VPN and watch as a world of refuting unfolds in front of your eyes. Academic, scientific, peer reviewed, quality refuting.

At the end of the day you use whatever you feel like using. It's your machine, possibly your freedom at stake. Go ahead, use whatever you please.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 19 points 8 months ago

Someday they'll legalize assisted suicide and it'll be like "So would would you like the free natural death plan, our silver painkiller assisted plan or our platinum instant painless death plan ?"

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 23 points 8 months ago

Yeah thanks for the heads up, I'll buy it in a year after release, when it's patched, for 50% discount on a steam sale. Or maybe in two years foe that botched launch apology hit discount of 70%.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 19 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

They are terrible anti drone nipples then, considering you can easily find off the shelf drone RF antennas at the 400 MHz range easily, which is below 900 MHz. You can also easily find on the 5.8 GHz range.

Must be why drone attacks are so effective against Russia.

[-] NeuronautML@lemmy.ml 18 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'm not against immigration but it's no solution. You're in Europe. You're trying to replace a workforce that has free education, in a place with high quality education infrastructure, therefore most of them have bachelors and probably at least one or more masters degrees, with essentially illiterate (and i mean this with all due respect) people from a completely different culture who are not prepared to do anything remotely useful for at least 10 years, probably more.

I've literally had migrant refugees from Lebanon, Somalia, Eritrea, Morocco and such as flatmates in Brussels. Some of them are my close friends. They are not remotely prepared to take over 90% of European jobs. You either need social skills, labor skills, language skills or technical skills which they simply do not have. If i was in their shoes, it would take me decades to catch up to how Europeans work.

The migrants come here for what ? Uber eats ? How are they supposed to support themselves ? With government integration money we don't have available ? But say we figure it out and they live and then they will have kids one day. Those kids will behave exactly like the local population. They will go to University, they will be highly qualified, they will be socially adapted to the place, culture and language and, they will also not have kids, just like the locals. So which problem did these migrants solve then ?

So the issue here isn't that we lack people in Europe. It's that our economic doctrine is deficient. We need to change the doctrine, not the people. Immigration will not solve this problem, it will perpetuate it. Young people not having kids is an economic issue that will still happen whether you have a European young person there or a Iraqi young person there. You can't simply transplant a young couple from a country with very high birth rates in a totally different part of the world, subjected to an entirely different set of circumstances and expect them to be the same in Europe. That's not how this works.

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