[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 4 points 17 hours ago

Good -- is it $10,000 now instead of only $5,000?

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 1 points 3 days ago

I mean, don't all the dream characters die when you wake up? Seems kinda

Not good

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 6 points 3 days ago

My lucid dreams are unspeakably realistic, comprehensively and indistinguishable from reality. It's like waking up each night into a horrible dystopia.

In my nightmares, there's a global autocracy, a kind of maximalism of pain which forces people into mass slavery, but it's not even according to their whims, it's simply a price for existing.

I'd go on but it's too spooky and sad.

The rest of the time life's pretty good.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 11 points 4 days ago

Bruh, the timing

The algorithm

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 6 points 4 days ago

Vivec? Like, of the Tribunal?

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago

Furries are simultaneously morons and rocket scientists/brain surgeons or whatever.

Source: Talked to a dog who literally worked for NASA on the Artemis Program.

Be nice to them, you never know when your lifesaving medication was made by a furry. :)

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 2 points 5 days ago

Lemmy has its own memes haha

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works -3 points 6 days ago

There's a non zero chance that Mars is a remnant of the planetary impact that occured to the Earth ~ 3.5 BYA. The issue is that's a really loose hypothesis, but the speculation is that Theia - which impacted Gaia (old Earth) was an ice planet / water world, which gave us most of our oceans.

Evidence of water evaporation on Mars therefore makes sense, as a catastrophic effect (such as planetary impact) would indeed cause the atmosphere to boil off, leaving behind these dry lakes and riverbeds.

I personally haven't spent enough time on Mars to make a substantial conclusion, there wasn't enough time to do any science between the sheer insanity of basic survival on a planet that seems uniquely designed to kill you and crush your spirit before doing so.

I totally approve of your analysis however, and it's proof why geologists deserve a seat on the interstellar jumpships :3

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 201 points 1 month ago

Yeah. I hate the negativity of the Internet, but this is what "life" (at least in the first world) has become: the negative stories are amplified and the positive ones are short.

In a time of great planetary wealth creation, there is still disparity. One of the richest nations on the Earth has packed all of its citizenry onto the "liveable coasts", into cities.

The couple mentioned in the article tried to move away to a more affordable area with more land (Portland is Urban, and Spokane is rural), and were met with boredom and dissatisfaction.

They both earn collectively $250,000/year, which seems like a lot, and to many people in the U.S who earn the median salary of $52-65,000/year, it is.

They mention not wanting to pay more than 30% of their budget to mortgage costs, which they stated with "$5,000 being 50%", which means their real adjusted income is closer to $120,000, not $250,000.

That's still a lot, but more reasonable to the point of Median Salary × 2.

What this average couple demonstrates however, is that the erosion of the "middle class" in the United States is complete: The middle class is dead. They are both educated professionals who are working honestly, and don't make enough money to own a home.

That makes them poor. That makes all of us poor -- and it is a gross failure of the economic system with misplaced incentives and lack of regulations that has led us to this point.

The important thing to remember that this socioeconomic and political atmosphere is wholly contrived.

A better world is possible -- it however requires sacrifices that many people are unable or unwilling to endure. Whatever you are imagining going through your head right now, that's exactly what is necessary to change the first world for the better.

It's not any one individual's fault this happened. The honest working man and woman haven't done anything wrong here, and aren't to blame -- it's precisely because the honest (the just) have enabled the dishonest (the unjust) to continue to run amok, completely unchecked and unchained.

Here is to a better future, and for all the hardship we must all endure, to get there. 🍺

Fuck Private Equity.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 143 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Hello, expert solarpunk here.

TLDR: Car battery is 350Wh. Fridge uses 143W idle, so it'll run a fridge for 2-3 hours.

Explanation below:

Car batteries are lead-acid (sulphuric acid and lead plates).

They discharge according to Peukert's Law as the negatively charged plate gets covered in lead via the acid (electrolyte).

As the battery depletes, the negative plate can begin to take permanent damage, and so you can't discharge a lead-acid deeper than 10-20%, or about 10.8V, with the safe limit being ~50% discharge.

Most 12V, 60Ah batteries therefore only safely store and nominally discharge 350 Wh @ 350W.

You can discharge that as fast as you want but the faster you discharge, the lower the capacity is (with 1000-1500W bringing you way down to like 65 Wh). Fridges have a surge when they start up to fire up the compressor. Starter batteries can take that, but once the refrigerant is cold, the fridge just maintains the temperature which uses a lot less energy - about 143W on average.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 235 points 9 months ago

Fun fact: The human battery thing is actually a retcon the Wazowskis did at the last moment because they thought the American public would be too stupid to grok the actual understanding of the Matrix.

Humans are an entropic species, they consume more energy than they produce - any synthetic race that tried to harness energy from a net negative energy producer is an idiot.

What the Matrix is, is actually a distributed simulation MATRIX that uses individual human brains as nodes in a shared, hallucinogenic dream, indistinguishable from reality.

The real simulation isn't so primitive, it doesn't require people to be popsicle tubes in some crazy dystopian cyberpunk black and red tower attended by insectoid robots.

Instead the entire universe is contained on a single state machine, compromising a [redacted] amount of memory, running in [redacted]. Simulants are never aware of being inside of the simulation, except for rare instances where outsiders occasionally post on Lemmy.

Why they do that, we don't know. We suspect that it is [all further content redacted].

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 131 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I mean, it's a victory if they shout it loudly enough, right? A lie repeated long enough, so it goes:

Company is going bankrupt, users are gone, laying off the bottom quartile of the company, but they stopped the protest! Etc.



It's like reading the top two lines of a disaster report and declaring victory. Fuck Reddit.

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