[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 1 points 58 minutes ago

Why do we only get 90 minutes. Why do they only get 1 minute to answer. Sit the down and have an actual discussion damnit. You're trying to run a country not win a talent show. I want hear how their brains work, not their mouths.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago

Oh now I understand, thank you. I think the far right don't understand and think that people are referring to their sex. Maybe their social circles are socially/culturally separated by sex?

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

I feel the same way when I think about how when ever you get a whole bunch bunch of stuff together in one spot, it frickin warps time and space and that's why I'm standing and not floating.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

Yes! This is it, so let's all work together to make it a good one for each other.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

Hey would you look at that.."It was defunded at the end of 1995, following the 1994 mid-term elections which led to Republican control of the Senate and the House. House Republican legislators characterized the OTA as wasteful and hostile to GOP interests."

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 27 points 4 months ago

Party of limited government my ass. They just don't want rules that prevent them from telling the peasants what to do. Stay in line peasants.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago

"I'm good at multitasking" is just another way of saying you can't focus on one thing at a 🐿️ SQUIRREL!

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 28 points 4 months ago

I agree with you that they are not interchangeable. A large swath of Christians are appalled by fascism.

But, they have historically used each other for their own means, and that can be difficult to ignore. I think once again people are seeing the two get back together, and we all know how that relationship turns out.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 26 points 4 months ago

I was thinking about this just yesterday. After watching Frankie's cultural observation on boomers, where he says that "boomers are the first generation in history that wanted to do better than their children", I asked myself what have us millennials done. I settled on this, we broke the generational cycle of abuse and bullying of our kids. The boomers parents, while the "greatest" generation, were raised by an even stricter generation of parents who believed in things like not picking up a crying baby, and probably resulted in Boomer parents that, thanks to WW2, were also an untreated PTSD generation. Alcoholism was just dad's being dad's and pre ww2 moms stayed home to keep home and hearth with a little help from the snuff tin. Several generations of war torn parents ignorant of how to deal with what they went through, raising more kids for the next war. From the civil war to Vietnam, every generation had a war or two on their plate. Then our small communities were randomly spread out into suburban experiments to support the industrial revolution. Now no one knows their neighbor, they just go to work. Then the millennials were sent to war. We had heard the stories growing up about how great our nations fighting forces were. Now it was our turn. We had the most righteous of reasons to fight. But this time, when looking to the boomers to lead us, we found a bunch of disfunctional brats. Their maturity was a ruse. They didn't know any better than we did on how to deal with this world. Their parents won the great war, setup the economy, spanked them, never hugged them, and then handed them the keys to the company and retired to Florida. So the bratty boomers without a clue bullied their kids out the door and into the world. There we stood, 18 and primed to take it on. But there was nothing left to take. Then the bubble they blew popped and we shipped out to Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and even after 20 years we still had nothing to show for it. No house, no good paying job, no health care, and a degree with the weight of never ending debt chained to it. The boomers are and always have been, brats. You see them out there on their Harley's brrrraaaaatttting around. So when we started having kids, we said no. No we're not going to beat our kids, no we're not going to shame them for who they love, no we're not going to "be a man" and shut up about our war trauma. But the brats still had all the power. They refused to let go of their toy. So we put ourselves to work on trying to fix the only thing we had the power to fix, ourselves. We started normalizing therapy, researching drug and alcohol addiction. We dug into the data. We acted like adults, we admitted we have a problem and we did the rigorous and SCIENTIFIC work of finding the solutions. We broke the cycle. We've really earnestly tried to raise thoughtful, honest about themselves, proud adults who ask why. We didn't ignore them, we answered them honestly, we admitted there's a problem. But we don't have enough time to set it right in our life time. The brats won't let go. We need Gen Z to carry the torch forward. Question everything, do the hard work, admit when you were wrong, be willing to change your mind when new data is discovered. I'm proud of these kids. I want them to do better than us. We got your back kid.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

The team hopes that this might become a powerful tool that paves the way for new quantum communication protocols that use topology as an alphabet for quantum information processing across entanglement-based channels.

The findings reported in the article are crucial because researchers have grappled for decades with developing techniques to preserve entangled states. The fact that topology remains intact even as entanglement decays suggests a potentially new encoding mechanism that utilizes entanglement, even in scenarios with minimal entanglement where traditional encoding protocols would fail.

Edit: Here is the quoted article link.

And here's is the published paper.

Edit: someone below linked to this so you don't have to pay for knowledge

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 57 points 9 months ago

Monocultures in Agribusiness. One 'public secret' many outside of the industry might not be aware of is the prevalence of monocultures in crop farming. Vast expanses of land planted with the exact same genetic line of a crop. While this makes farming operations easier and often more profitable in the short term, it's a ticking time bomb for pests and diseases. One well-adapted pathogen could wipe out an entire crop species in an area (look up citrus greening in Florida), because there's no genetic diversity to halt its spread. But hey, it keeps the costs down...until there's no food to eat.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 29 points 11 months ago

Humor has been achieved.

[-] MojoMcJojo@lemmy.world 65 points 11 months ago

Gay people. When I was much much younger I remember telling a friend that while I didn't have a problem with people doing their own thing, I still didn't like gay people. My friend said I hope when you have kids they're gay. Guess what happened and how I feel about it now. I was such a dumb ass. When my kid came out to me I wept for joy at their bravery. I don't take hard stances on my opinions now and try to remember that my perspective isn't ultimate or necessarily right. There's always a chance that I'm wrong.

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