[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 27 points 4 months ago

It wasn't a weapon.

They aren't paid to find rotting fish.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 32 points 5 months ago

Luckily, the body naturally purges out unwelcome living inhabitants in the GI tract.

As in your diarrhea them out before they could burst out through your abs.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 30 points 5 months ago

Ugh, in the news here a few years ago, they showed a video of a lady jumping out of her car so she wouldn't be in it when it slid into another car. The news anchor advised people to stay inside of your car. It's a cage. You're safer inside that cage than lying in the road.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 26 points 5 months ago

I just rented an EV from Hertz. I loved it. I planned to rent one next time I needed a rental.

Granted, I'm not keeping them in business with my 2 rentals a year.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

I struggle with your statement. I've worked with inept people, but they weren't malicious. In one instance the inept person was the DBA. That one guy made the whole team's life miserable. He was a significant reason I quit a job.

I don't know what framework you could put on a DBA to make them not royalty mess up a system.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 36 points 6 months ago

A decade ago, my pilot friend informed me that after 4 years of college, starting pay was $18,000 a year. After a year of experience suddenly you're making 4 times that. Not a lot of people can afford to make that measley income for a year. It's not a sustainable way to recruit talent.

Then there's the issue is being on call when you're the lowest seniority in you're position where they can call you anytime a pilot calls in sick and you have to be at the airport in 30 minutes.

You can make a lot of money, but there's a lot of bullshit to deal with at the start of your career.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 32 points 6 months ago

It's frustrating because they're so literal when following instructions. I wish they'd do what I want, not what I said.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 27 points 6 months ago

... how this fucking loser ever got to where he is now.

Starting life as the billionaire heir to a lucrative gem mine built on slave labor will let you stay rich no matter how much you fuck up.

He invested a lot of money into an electric car company. Anyone could tell the wind was blowing towards electric cars.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 34 points 7 months ago


Though I will point out that adult woman was likely being groomed while she was a child.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Did he say "gay". Ooh that'd be ironic.

No, he's sentenced for storming the capital building during the Jan 6 insurrection.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 33 points 9 months ago

I went back to college at 30. That set me up for a career I actually enjoyed and a wage that was double the dead end job I had at the time.

[-] Mamertine@lemmy.world 32 points 10 months ago

You want to get a good mattress pad. You can wash that in a washing machine and keep your mattress clean.

To reduce smell in your mattress, kill the bacteria. Spray with 1 part vodka 2 parts water. Let it fully dry before putting sheets back on.

Stains, those aren't going away. That's why you wanted a mattress pad.

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