[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

The datedness adds to the experience honestly. I can't play with any mods that are too detailed, nor can I use any mods that add super high res textures. It's like the graphical uncanny valley for me.

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago



I didn't realize the cracked corn potential of my joke!

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

No, it's corny! She's always cracking puns and one liners, that Cathy.

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

The sequel to Sharkboy and Lavagirl we didn't need.

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)


Edit: fuck my original comment was meant for a different post lol

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 24 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Aw man, I've honestly forgotten how much I'd enjoyed KenM from the other realm.

Edit: okay I just realized this was on the wrong post. Fuk

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 10 points 5 days ago

Any time, SharkFucker420!

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It'd probably depend on the game, but see if there's any source ports for the games in question. DSDA Doom, for example, adds modern wide-screen support to classic Doom and has heaps of fantastic options for different compatibility levels for different custom map sets. GZDoom is also an option if you want gameplay mods (shame it's so inefficient lol).

You can also see if there's any wide-screen patches for your games on the PC gaming wiki.

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 46 points 5 days ago

George W. Bush receiving a particular phone call, circa September of 2001.


(I know Linux is better than Windows, there's a better time and place for that talk)

SPECS: OS: Windows 10 Pro N Motherboard: MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X GPU: NVidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti RAM: 4x HyperX Fury DDR4 8GB sticks (two rated for one clock speed, the other two rated for another. As I understand it the faster sticks will just run at the speed of the lower two, and it deffo ain't causing issues cause I've tested games with just one pair or the other. Both gave me crashes)

Minidump file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/g34xykxagp29246/050524-8937-01.dmp/file

Simply put, built a custom Windows machine and it gives me BSODs on many more recent games. Deep Rock Galactic, crashes within seconds to minutes of actual gameplay (not including the hub). Remnant: From the Ashes, crashes within minutes on the overworld. Starfield, crashes within minutes to two hours. Blood West, crashes within five minutes of gameplay. Helldivers 2 works fine ingame, but once I quit the game it blue screens within seconds of returning to the desktop.

I've reinstalled drivers. I've disabled sound drivers. I've popped the computer open and reseated everything at least two or three times so far. RAM was tested using MemTest86, no issues at all. CPU temps tend not to exceed anything higher than the 70-75 range ingame (hot, but my processor is rated for up to 90 Celsius). I've reapplied thermal paste four times. I'm on my third install of Windows so far, with this being the Pro N version rather than the Pro version I tried the first two installs. I've had a bit of a go at googling the highlighted files in the Minidump file, but at this point I'm all but giving up. If the Internet can't fix this shit, I'll just sell the components or machine at a loss and stick with an older gaming laptop.

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 137 points 1 month ago

Last time a recruiter harassed me via text he tried to convince me of all the kickass benefits and fun of being in the military. Straight up just told him "Dude, if you put a gun in my hand, you're going to be responsible for a suicide. Not happening." For some reason he never replied.


One of my favorite things to do while stoned is listen to albums that are really unique, artful, and/or jam packed with soul and energy, as in that head space music just hits completely differently and it just lends to me finding a deep love and appreciation for the art of music. What're some of your favorites?

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 107 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Starting this off myself, there was one fella at my current job who bought vodka at a liquor store during his lunch break, poured heaps of it into his soda from a fast food joint, and wound up getting fired when they noticed him getting drunk as hell.

That was before I started working here, but coincidentally I met him at my other job!

[-] LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world 147 points 10 months ago

Anybody knows that one waterfall attraction in the Southeast US? The one that advertises bloody everywhere? Waterfall is pumped during the dry seasons, otherwise there'd be nothing to see. Lots of the formations are fake, and the Cactus and Candle formation was either moved from a different spot in the cave, or is from a different cave in New Mexico. Management doesn't want people to know that, but fuck 'em.

submitted 11 months ago by LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
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