[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 99 points 2 months ago

Not having all the silly teenager / young adult bits of their lives documented in videos for all to see.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone to c/australia@aussie.zone

I'm sure if we keep voting for the Libor and Laberal parties they will eventually fix it right?

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 15 points 3 months ago

Also to be fair, we in Australia are far from being some car free utopia either.

We have heaps of car dependant urban sprawl in our major cities where the vast majority of us live. We are also adding more of this sprawl all the time.

On the plus side most of our state capital cities have got decent heavy rail networks which you can park at stations and ride.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 15 points 3 months ago

Maybe an attempt to push more people to their app? Then they can harvest more user data which investors value.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 24 points 3 months ago

Maybe we need a car that is low and wedge shaped, like something from battlebots. When cars high off the ground run in to it they will be guaranteed to roll.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 19 points 5 months ago

Coalition math: Three times zero equals many more decades of fossil fuel lobby getting what they want.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 41 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

That's why we call those type of "bike lanes" a murder strip.

Have them where I live too.

31°57'30"S 115°54'16"E

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 21 points 6 months ago

I recently tried to get away from outlook as my primary email / calendar. Tried a couple of different providers only to discover just how reliant I am on having seamless calendar invites.

Manually attaching .ICS files to email was not going to cut it. No matter how good caldav is for my phone to desktop, I need to easily make events / respond to them.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 16 points 6 months ago

If the govt is going to exert control over "smart" TVs, I would rather they ban ads and data collection from TV operating systems / apps that can't be removed.


Not sure I agree with the title that no one can ”escape” it. I think the wealth hoarding class does very nicely out of everyone else's misery. Perhaps if things don't turn around their grand children might go from owning the whole country to facing a guillotine.

More likely once there is a large enough percentage of people who will have no hope of owning, then they will start to have an effect at the polling booth.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

Recently made the switch to Graphene and am trying to get my main email away from outlook.com

What's everyone using for calendar event invites?

I have a mixture of some events that only I need to see, but others I send and receive invites to people using gmail, outlook etc.

Currently trying out free Proton, but it's a bit limited. For example if I make a recurring event there seems to be no way to edit or remove a single recurrence. Also would like to be able to use say simple calendar widgets with it. Edit, also discovered that invites sent from gmail to proton simply don't arrive.

Happy for a paid service provided I'm not treated as a product for advertisers to market to.


Apparantly there is no way to influence demand for housing.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 17 points 7 months ago

Been using android since the first galaxy. Never have I experienced such a fuck up as when I let my pixel 7 pro update to 14. And this is from someone that used to run random custom stuff going back a few years.

Android 14 caused my phone memory to become corrupt and I had no choice but to factory reset, losing everything not synced. Apparently this was due to running two separate user profiles.

Somehow Google was too busy finding ways to get and sell more of our data and forgot to test if this basic feature fucking works.

Not looking forward to Monday when I'll have to jump through flaming hoops to set up my work micrishaft authenticator / profile / intune crap again.

Other beef with 14, custom launchers are broken. I have never been able to stand the stock launcher, it is like babies first launcher. No customisation options and the stupid search bar can't be removed. A few apps I use on a regular basis claim to to not be compatible, even though they ran fine for several days in 14 till the whole thing shit itself.

On the UI front I feel as if everything seems to get more bland each release with less interesting customisation than we had circa android 5.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 23 points 7 months ago

Majority of people here descended from people who arrived well after the colonists. About a third of us were born overseas. Around half have a parent born overseas.


[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 17 points 9 months ago

I really like this. I'm sure politicians are at least a decade away from considering it though.

It should not be viable for office workers to drive their V8 turbo diesel ice cap melter in to the CBD each day. Would need a sizeable levee to make an impact to that behaviour.

[-] Longmactoppedup@aussie.zone 21 points 10 months ago

Causing air pollution and having major population centres with terrible air quality.

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