sounds more like aspartame, aspartame is entirely artificial, stevia comes form the stevia plant.
he sounds like a shill for vlad to me, similar thing that tulsi said on asian right wingers youtube channel.
russia funds all of those groups, its not a coincidence they suddenly all appear around the time the us had thier elections.
I GOT tired of some of the political subs on reddit, All they post is what goofy thing trump did, and not what he is actually doing, and i suspect theres a hidden agenda why they are pushing like MSM does.
the same script russia uses, trump gets his orders from putin. its also " you're making me rape you"
its captcha v3, its the same thing reddit uses to catch bots and ban evaders, apparently its expensive for reddit so they only mostly use it for ban waves.
because fox, right wing sources and russia will direct them to rage about culture wars instead, conservatives are not bright when it comes to thing like class warfare, luigi momentarily broke them out of thier "echo chambers". i onced followed a asian yotbers who was known right wing, but wasnt in your face pre-pandemic, everyone was cringed that his information is very outdated and dint know what to talk about when regard to policies.
that was his scam, he was afraid of CALIFORNIA developing thier high speed rail way system, so he came up with the hyperloop scam so he can force california to abandon it, furthermore they tried again when trump was in power the 1st time, Elaine chao(lich mcconnels wife, blocked all funding for it)
space x being investigated for dumping illegally around the sites.
musk shagged(surrogate) the head of the neuralink division in texas a and M and made her produce a child for him. he and the university performed unsanctioned experiments on MONKEYs causing them to suffer, and musk's response"they were going to die any ways".
when you are in a university performing research on animals, theres regulations and protocols to follow, they probably dint do that. this makes the university look bad for doing this.
i think you were brigaded(a large amounts of people that mass report someone to get them banned) right wingers/trolls will do this. some mods are very anal about how you report"did they respond to your comment" or "dint bother commenting and just reported someone.
the oop said it came from petro, which isnt true. the substance which used to extract stevia isnt organic though, probably using an organic solvent, but they purify it to some extent. but alot of stevia brands only used the pure stevia from the plant.