[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 21 points 2 weeks ago

Of course not,

with the new encapsulator all you need is to reconfigure your turbomutator to allow electrostabilizer executable to directly read instructions from your self-hosted AI model.

Who even uses python to scrab anymore? Install podman dude.


Just wanted to share this since I didn't find anything on lemmy about this. It's a pretty cool open-source project that I got introduced to while investigating a google maps / mapbox open-source alternatives for globe representation on the web.

Sorry if it doesn't fit into this community - didn't find a better community to post this and the sidebar says "OSM related software" posts are ok.

Here is a link to their website with examples: https://www.openglobus.org/

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 24 points 3 weeks ago

Genders have recently been acquired by Nestle and they have the monopoly now.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 21 points 1 month ago

Apart from just doing dailies instead of playing for fun, that sounds like a very tempting life style right now.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 20 points 8 months ago

Tää komedia olis hauska jos ihmiset ei ääneistäis tällaisia tyyppejä eduskuntaan.


I had no idea where to ask such a question and I tried to read their terms of use / privacy statements / about us page to find info about how this popular cost splitting app makes money to employ people.

They don't even accept donations. Sounds very sketchy, but apparently they don't really sell data or even offer this app to businesses. Does anyone know how they make profit?

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Wait what? What happens in jan 2024?

Edit: ah, unity's new install based pricing.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 18 points 10 months ago

Yup. I had never heard of the fediverse and so glad I got introduced to it with the added benefit of many others doing so as well (so there is content and activity here).

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 17 points 10 months ago

Thanks for telling me about Voyager, I feel like I finally found the app for me!

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 22 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Former mechanical design engineer checking in as well: can confirm, the engineer's fault here.

You don't just design it just to work, a hobbyist can do that.

Edit: Not saying I have never made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. And of course in a proper (especially big) design department someone always cross checks your work, so there must've been multiple people to blame. But mistakes happen and that alone is no reason to fire someone.

In my first job a senior told me that you will experience making an expensive mistake and that it'll be a good lesson (I did).

submitted 10 months ago by Lazycog@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Nyt olisi tosi spesifi kysymys, jos joltain täällä sattuisi olemaan kokemusta:

Voiko kaasujousellisen näyttövarren/näyttötelineen kuljettaa lentokoneen ruumassa? Tai voiko vaihtoehtoisesti kuljettaa postissa ulkomaille?

Ostin aikanaan DELTACO:n ARM-0350 näyttövarsia ja nyt tarvitsisi raahata ne ulkomaille (jos mahdollista), mutta rupesin miettimään tuota kaasujousea. Googlettamalla/Finnairin/Finnavian lähteistä ei löytynyt muuta, kuin että näyttötelineen saa tuoda. Kaasujousista ei ollut mitään infoa.

Ajattelin soittaa Finnairille, mutta ajattelin kuitenkin täältä kysellä mahdollisia kokemuksia.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Couple of thoughts:

Casual Conversation was a nice community on reddit and it might make it easier for people coming from reddit to find familiar communities in Lemmy. But your point about activity is good, makes it easier to come to lemmy if you see more activity.

As I understood !general@lemmy.world can have also serious and controversial topics and it has way more posts with links, while here the emphasis on posts is to make a text post.

Not for or against merging to general, just adding my thoughts :)

Edit: clarification and typo fix.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 25 points 10 months ago

Long time ago I heard/read somewhere that true happiness/happy life/being in general happy at all times is not possible and people who are not in a great place get frustrated by never achieving this and seeing that it feels like everyone else has something they don't.

What true happiness often seems to be (for most happy people) is actually being content

Happiness comes from being content with your life, not constant feeling of joy. When you are content with your life and situation, you'll enjoy your life more. You'll be "happy" with your life. And if you are content with your life you suddenly enjoy small things that add up to it.

I'm probably not explaining this very well, but hope you get something out of this comment!

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 31 points 10 months ago

Haven't been watching LTT (or GN) for a couple of years, but this made me go to LTT's channel and unsub. Can't believe what Linus has become. Love the thorough look into all this from Steve.

[-] Lazycog@sopuli.xyz 26 points 10 months ago

Yup, this + crackdown on password sharing made me cancel all of my 3 subscription plans and move back to pirating.

The reason for pirating for me isn't about getting stuff for free, it is about paying a reasonable total sum for the amount I use these streaming platforms.

submitted 11 months ago by Lazycog@sopuli.xyz to c/everything_git@lemmy.ml

Can you not remove "Releases" and "Packages" section from your repository in GitHub?

There is a gear icon on the repository page "Edit repository details" and it seemingly allows you to remove those sections from the page but they don't do anything. Is it just me / is this limited with a free account or just a bug?

Couldn't find anything about this by googling. Any answers much appreciated!

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