[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago

I am with you. We should use the ai as a tool to automate or remove things that is frustrating or in the way of the actual goal to help the customers. Plus I don't think any model is good enough (yet) to act as tech support (they can use open ai if it was enough). I think ai is great as a tool tho. For example you can use it to go through a lot of documents of products, policies, other tickets and so on so the tech support person can find the relevant information faster. We can also use ai to create summerise of the call or take notes and so on. A lot of great potential to make everyone happier but I don't believe in replacing actual ppl.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

I think instead "be nice to the future you", in the end do we do most things for our future self. It may be hard today but you will be happy you did it tomorrow.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

Here I am wondering why no one made the joke that the answer was not found (404) but chat gpt assumed it was the answer 😂

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 9 months ago

This kinda reminds me of pirating vs paying. Using api = you know it will always be the same structure and you will get the data you asked for. Otherwise you will be notified unless they version their api. There is usual good documentation. You can always ask for help.

Scraping = you need to scout the whole website yourself. you need to keep up to date with the the websites structure and to make sure they haven't added ways to block bots (scraping). Error handling is a lot more intense on your end, like missing content, hidden content, query for data. the website may not follow the same standards/structuree throughout the website so you need to have checks for when to use x to get y. The data may need multiple request because they do not show for example all the user settings on one page but in an api call they would or it is a ajax page and you need to run Javascript scripts and click on buttons that may change id, class or text info and they may load data when you do x with Javascript so you need to emulate the webpage.

So my guess is that scraping is used most often when you only need to fetch simple data structures and you are fine with cleaning up the data afterwards. Like all the text/images on a page, checking if a page has been updated or just save the whole page like wayback machine.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

When it doesn't smell

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

This is maybe the first time I do not feel include in any of the description and I drink three of these (coffee, tea and water) on a regular base and green juice now and then 😂

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

If the price was max $1k, folding vertically and not a Samsung then I would get it. I got my self a tablet because I read and watch YouTube a lot. I rather have one device than two. So when I saw the new pixel did I get hyped then I saw the price...

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

My guess is most are like me, I use Bluetooth headphones and are on the go if I listen to anything. So higher quality doesn't really matter.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

I want to add that to see who is blocking lemmy.world do you need to type with lowercase. I didn't see the list of "blocked by" when I wrote lemmy with a capital l.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

That happened to me too the other day, I stared at it for a bit and thought it must have been part of the mass deletion ppl did. It is one thing to read about it, it is an other to see it for yourself. But I fond my answer on a wiki page so it didn't matter much. It was amusing tho.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Same, I went from drinking from friends glass to only do so if I felt "forced" as in it would be weird if I didn't haha And I have a "dirty" hand that can touch things and a "clean" hand that will only touch my stuff that I know is "clean". Corona really ruined me... But ppl still get corona so I don't want to just stop doing this either. My parents were out for a week not long ago because of corona, I am pretty sure I will react the same way and I hate being sick it cost time, boredom and money...

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Some companies makes their apps a lot better than their website and you often get more and better features from a mobile users point of view. But I also prefer the browser because I don't want to fill my phone with apps I use only once a week or less and I can use adblocker. But it is pretty nice to be able to jump between apps instead of jumping between tabs. I have a lot of tabs open instead of downloading their app and also stuff I want to remember or pages I use often. I try to clean it up but I always have an infinity icon instead of a number for my tabs 😂 I tried using bookmarks but it is easier to find the right page as a tab (big thumbnail)

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