[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

True enough - I have to very careful when visiting local Lidls and browsing their products (though Finnish Lidls tend stock a lot of local lactose free stuff, luckily), else one invites the shitrocket.

But again this invites my query, invoked earlier on another comment in this thread - Germany is a much larger market with lots of immigration and the tech exists. Why not sell it to people, when there is also volume available?

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

That does not really explain the lack of use on the technology (which you do have, to make milk products lactose free) and the lack of products/marketing on lactose free milk products.

Isnt USA all about making new products for new consumers? If we can do it here, in a much smaller markets and with less resources, why cant it be done in the USA? You do have lots of lactose intolerant people there, through immigration alone - why on earth dont you, salesmen of the planet, want to sell that to them?

Thats why I do kinda of suppose that maybe its an cultural/social issue?

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Fair enough, but it is also an observation based on other observations (through american culture's past and current hegemony on global internet's english speaking portion) about the cheesyness of america.

Edit: also I'm finnish, our humour is kind of dry and tries to be witty, like think of the brits. So read it through that lense.

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 3 points 5 days ago

In Finland they are. Why cant you do it?

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Katsopa tarkemmin. Esimerkiksi Arkijuusto on ollut laktoositonta viimeiset 5 vuotta, vähintään. Eikä todellakaan ole ainoa. T: Juusto rakastava, laktoosia paskova.

For english speakers: we have had lactose free cheesw for a while, and it is delicious.

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 6 points 5 days ago

This is really a thing ive been wondering about USA... Dont you have lactose free products? I mean, if the tiny Nordics can and do produce lactose free versions of pretty much everything, in pretty much every possible place, why cant you?

Is it a sadism/eugenics thing (kidding but not 100% kidding)?

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 135 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This is also a big reason why I'm few weeks from submitting my masters for inspection, and 90% of my references/sources are from Annas Archive / Zlib. Our uni library, in supposedly rich nordic country Finland, just cant afford all the licenses. Luckily all our professors and researchers are in on the "secret", but its just a fucking joke.

Most of the world economy is on the same fucking joke. Just leeches upon leeches upon leeches... And so few people giving anything usefull to the world. I fucking try, but god damn these useless money leeches in the middle try to make it hard as possible. Fuck. So fucking angry, but what can I do but try to minimize the damages I do on my personal part.


I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask this, but I couldnt find any active uBlock Origin -communities here. Please delete if this is inappropriate to ask.

This blog has an annoying dark mode toggle, that keeps following the page as you scroll. I have tried to block it by uBlock Origins picker tool, but it only allows selecting the little flame image, creating a filter:


Yet there remains a partly transparent, unselectable round artifact after this, that keeps following the page like the toggle.

I know I can disable javascript on the page to make it go away, but its tedious to do it every time.

Any tips how to block that annoying little toggle?

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

To be fair, that beer was also generally much milder than modern beer, between 1-2% alc per volume (in Europe) , at least per historians and research papers I've read.

Edit: also most of those historians whose books I refer in this context are mostly Finnish, Swedish or German, so that should give some idea about my biases/sources. Its different in the Pacifics and Western Africa, I know.

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 28 points 1 month ago

That cannot die which still can elicit a chuckle.

[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 20 points 1 month ago
[-] Kallioapina@lemm.ee 46 points 2 months ago

Please add sources to this infographic, maybe in the lower section, and this can be used as an actual, tactical weapon in everyday interactions.

And no, this comment is not an attempted underhanded attack against this infographic. People are taught in modern global world to trust researched sources. It's an rhetorical weapon, even if based on truth (which I hope this infographic is based on).

And no, I'm not a fucking LLM. Im just finnish and a little bit drunk.

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