[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 4 points 10 hours ago

The only game I really liked in VR was Euro Truck Simulator 2 which wasn't even a VR game.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 19 points 10 hours ago

HTC Vive. Not necessarily this specific tech itself, but VR gaming more broadly. My friend and I were ginning ourselves up for years before it came out. I dropped a lot of money on a gaming rig for it. And when I put the googles on... I fucking hated it. I didn't like standing and gaming. I didn't like being so isolated from everyone else in the house. And the games were glorified tech demos slapped together with unity assets. By the time Half Life Alex came out, I had no more fucks to give.

The porn was fun though.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

I really liked the immortal dude. Sam Spruell stole the show. I did have an issue with the Halloween episode though. Like Dot went through all the trouble of changing the street signs, but she couldn't wear a mask on Halloween? Classic smart character does something stupid so the plot can happen.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

Not a whole lot.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 17 points 3 days ago

So, yeah. What's a good Linux distro for stable diffusion and programming?

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 18 points 3 days ago

My second bout with Covid. Wasn't nearly as bad as the first time. All I did was watch Legend of Korra and Fargo season 5. All good now though.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 228 points 2 months ago

[Trump] tried to get his White House staff to pressure Disney, which owns ABC, to force Kimmel to stop making fun of him.

You can't make this shit up.

Name That Song (i.imgur.com)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/thelyricsgame@lemmy.ca
[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 112 points 3 months ago

I would also like to point out after Rittenhouse had murdered two people, he was photographed flashing a white power symbol wearing a "free as fuck" t-shirt with the Proud Boys.

There isn't a doubt in my mind he went to that protest to murder.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 149 points 3 months ago

The cruelty is the point.

submitted 5 months ago by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I just finished listening to the latest Behind the Bastards episodes, and was quite surprised to find this was one of the least bastardly subjects in the history of the podcast. In it, Robert Evans mentioned that none of the children have come forward with allegations of sexual abuse (or with any allegations at all).

So, how was it living with Marion Pettie and his utopian experiment?

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 123 points 5 months ago

I gotta look into this Lemmy thing. Sounds right up my alley.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 83 points 6 months ago

When Trump hosted the KGB diplomats in the White House, when he confiscated his translators notes after his meeting with Putin, after he betrayed the Kurds, the media would ask, "Why did Trump do this?"

There were always a range of possible reasons, but only one that explained them all with perfect sense. I suggest everyone read American Kompromat by Craig Unger. There is a trail of circumstantial evidence Trump has been a Russian asset since at least 1986.


My Civitai

Positive Prompt: cinematic photography, RAW photo, (MRS) ,super fine concept art, extremely detailed, a heavy mech, skeletal, hard surface, hawken, sci-fi, (megastructure background:1.3), hero pose, from below, cinematic lighting, shot on Canon EOS 5D, ND filter, technicolor, golden hour, film grain, professional, 4k, highly detailed, in style of Tsutomu Nihei

Negative Prompt: (toy, model:1.3), (tilt shift:1.3), text, tank, treads, wheels

Loras: Super robot diffusion XL 0.8/0.8 Cinematic Film Style 1.0/1.0 Detail Tweaker XL 1.0/1.0 Tsutomu Nihei Lora 1.0/1.0

workflow JSON

source image


My first ComfyUI pic.

My Civitai

Positive Prompt: surreal photography, RAW photo, dissolving Donald Trump orange Cheeto dust dissolve, angry_screaming, suit, (red_tie:1.2), black background, upper body shot, shot on Canon EOS 5D, ND filter, technicolor, 35mm photograph, film, bokeh, professional, 4k, highly detailed, in style of Ken Russell

Negative Prompt: deformed eyes, hands

Loras: Dissolve Style (Particles) SDXL 1.0 Detail Tweaker XL 1.0 Cinematic Photography Style 1.0

JSON workflow

More Bat-Trek (image.civitai.com)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/stable_diffusion_art@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Inspired by this post.

My Civitai


cinematic photography, RAW photo, b4tm4n man in star_trek_enterprise_transporter_room, yellow_chest_logo, full body, shot on Canon EOS 5D, ND filter, fill lighting, in style of Gene Roddenberry

LORA: Adam West Batman 0.7

Steps: 50, Sampler: Heun, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3427737995, Size: 1024x1536, Model hash: bb7e199e86, Model: jibMixRealisticXL_v30VeryNSFWUpdate, Denoising strength: 0.75, Clip skip: 2, Ultimate SD upscale upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Ultimate SD upscale tile_width: 512, Ultimate SD upscale tile_height: 512, Ultimate SD upscale mask_blur: 8, Ultimate SD upscale padding: 32, ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_mesh, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer model 2nd: person_yolov8n-seg.pt, ADetailer confidence 2nd: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode 2nd: 4, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 4, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.2, ADetailer inpaint only masked 2nd: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 32, ADetailer use inpaint width height 2nd: True, ADetailer inpaint width 2nd: 1024, ADetailer inpaint height 2nd: 1536, ADetailer version: 23.11.0, ControlNet 0: "Module: ip-adapter_clip_sdxl, Model: ip-adapter_xl [4209e9f7], Weight: 0.5, Resize Mode: Crop and Resize, Low Vram: False, Processor Res: 512, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 1, Pixel Perfect: True, Control Mode: Balanced, Save Detected Map: True", ControlNet 1: "Module: canny, Model: diffusers_xl_canny_mid [112a778d], Weight: 1, Resize Mode: Resize and Fill, Low Vram: False, Processor Res: 512, Threshold A: 100, Threshold B: 200, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 1, Pixel Perfect: True, Control Mode: Balanced, Save Detected Map: True", Lora hashes: "b4tm4n-v2: 1378e519aee4", Version: v1.6.0-2-g4afaaf8a

ControlNet reference images

What Once Was a War Engine (image.civitai.com)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/stable_diffusion_art@lemmy.dbzer0.com

My Civitai Profile


cinematic photography, solo, (MRS) ,super fine concept art, extremely detailed, a (solarpunk:1.3) heavy mech, hard surface, (solar panels:1.3), hands, rust, water_stains, sci-fi, Robotech, Macross, walking hero pose, (from_below:1.6), windmills, orchard, (biological skyscrapers covered in vines:1.3), golden hour, 35mm photograph, film, bokeh, professional, 4k, highly detailed, shot on Bolex H16, Velvia 100, ND filter, natural lighting, in style of Stephen Spielberg, film photography style, light grain,
Super robot diffusion XL 0.8 SDXL Film Photography Style 1.0 SimplePositive XL 1.0

Negative prompt: toy, weapon

Steps: 150, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Heun Exponential, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2971928545, Size: 512x768, Model hash: bb7e199e86, Model: jibMixRealisticXL_v30VeryNSFWUpdate, Denoising strength: 0.35, Clip skip: 2, ControlNet 0: "Module: ip-adapter_clip_sdxl, Model: ip-adapter_xl [4209e9f7], Weight: 0.5, Resize Mode: Crop and Resize, Low Vram: False, Processor Res: 512, Guidance Start: 0, Guidance End: 1, Pixel Perfect: True, Control Mode: Balanced, Save Detected Map: True", Hires upscale: 2, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Lora hashes: "srdxl_v2k: a6b96ef5461a, SDXL_FILM_PHOTOGRAPHY_STYLE_BetaV0.4: e1474929e3e2", Version: v1.6.0-2-g4afaaf8a

link to ControlNet input image

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/stable_diffusion@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hey all. I realize this is kinda tangential to SD, but it seems aipromtguide is stuck in a loading state on my desktop. The menu loads and but the site data doesn't. This problem started after I reinstalled windows 10. I've tried both Brave and Edge, and the problem persists. Same thing with the VPN either on or off. Incognito mode also doesn't make a difference. On my phone the site works like it always has even when connected to the same wifi router.

Any help would be most appreciated!

Also, bonus points for suggesting a good alternative.


Just a small nitpick, but I like to use A1111 in a private tab. Bit of a pain to close the tab that starts in the regular one. Is there a setting or command line thingy to have it start up in a private one?

glued (lemm.ee)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee to c/stable_diffusion@lemmy.dbzer0.com

For both the script and the option in ControlNet.

[-] IvanOverdrive@lemm.ee 74 points 10 months ago

We had a tree with some sort of red berries on it. Every autumn birds would have a bird party getting drunk off the fermented berries. Alcohol appears in nature all the fucking time

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joined 10 months ago