Hate when I catch myself "Well, actually"ing. I'll either try to reword it to not sound so dickish or I'll discard it if I think it's not actually helpful or interesting.
"In my new Chris Hansen brand chairs! A seat worthy of being the last comfortable thing you ever sit on!"
I call them bynynys.
"Then stop doing that"
I think their latest movie was supposed to be the final bow to tie up the show. That's what I heard, at least.
Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to realize that cooking food is a MAJOR component of what exploded our evolution. Cooking food allows us to digest it much better and receive far more nutrition.
Rusty is such a petty asshole, hahaha.
Is this before or after the local ~~pedo show~~ child beauty pageant?
What a dumb lie. No one at FOX could ever spell or pronounce xenophobia.
I thought it was that all gay porn is furry.
Idk if it's related but I got a permaban for reporting hateful content which they then took down. I appealed with this image for funsies but I don't really care either way.
I was wondering if the actual quote was something more weaselly than that but nope.
Beck: "If you become president will you lock people up?"
Trump: “The answer is you have no choice, because they’re doing it to us.”