[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 24 points 6 months ago

That seems very precarious to me, I'd be constantly worried about nudging it and dropping the cups.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 59 points 6 months ago

TIL not everyone uses a duvet (also TIL that that thing's called a duvet). That's really surprising to me, so some people just use the blanket directly? What do you do when it gets dirty, they're really hard to wash?

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 22 points 6 months ago

I thought this was going to be some math thing, turned out to be so much more straightforward.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 39 points 7 months ago

While this is funny, I'm pretty sure it isn't real (or it was intentionally written poorly)- It doesn't make any sense in Chinese either, and most people in Hong Kong know English at least somewhat.


And boy do I regret not getting it earlier.

I defeated the Ender dragon ages ago, and I had everything I needed to go and explore the outer End, but I decided to do a bunch of other stuff first, since I thought that the elytra wouldn't be that big of an improvement. I was wrong, I've had this thing for like 10 minutes and I already rely on it, it's so useful being able to fly and travel about 3x as fast as on foot.

My new #1 priority is now to build a bigger sugarcane farm to make rockets. I already have one, which I thought would be enough, but I'm burning through rockets way faster than I'd expected.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 112 points 7 months ago

The Youtuber Brandon F has a 4 part series talking about why they fought like this. Spoiler- it wasn't because they were stupid.

Part 1

TLDR- if you split up you just get run down by enemy cavalry.

Part 2

TLDR- a close formation lets you concentrate your firepower at one point.

Part 3

TLDR- a close formation makes communication and controlling the army much much easier (or even possible at all).

Part 4

TLDR- the formation makes the troops less likely to run away.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 22 points 7 months ago

I was curious about Alert's name, and assumed it was because the town served as an alerting system for something, but I looked it up and turns out it's cause a ship called HMS Alert wintered there.

submitted 7 months ago by HenryWong327@lemmy.ml to c/mastodon@lemmy.ml

I'm thinking about joining mastodon, but I don't know what server to go with, and the list of servers seems to have very little information about each. Right now I think I'll open an account on mastodon.social.

I'd prefer a server with a high character limit and that has access to most other servers.

submitted 7 months ago by HenryWong327@lemmy.ml to c/mastodon@lemmy.world

I'm thinking about joining mastodon, but I don't know what server to go with, and the list of servers seems to have very little information about each. Right now I think I'll open an account on mastodon.social.

I'd prefer a server with a high character limit and that has access to most other servers.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 23 points 7 months ago

Aww that's a shame, the real Neptune looks really dull.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 26 points 8 months ago

They're not contradictory. All other headsets' passthrough is just so bad that even though the Apple headset isn't good it's still way ahead of them.


So, this starts with the local currency of Laroth (Laroth is not a single country, and does not have a unified currency, but that’s for another post- I’ll just treat it as such here) which originally consisted of Chinese-style silver coins with holes in the middle. These holes meant that you could string them up on a piece of cord and carry large amounts of them easily that way. (This also served as a standardised unit, but again that’s for a future post about currency.)

People start wearing these strings on their belts, since pockets aren’t really a thing yet. Rich people, to show off, start wearing large amounts of them, all around their waists. Not only does this show off that they have that much money, it also shows that they can walk around in public with that much money without worrying about thieves and robbers, whether that is because they can afford to hire bodyguards or for some other reason. This still isn’t enough flaunting for some though, so they start using fancier materials, replacing the plain cord with gold/silver chains, or intricately patterned ribbons.

This currency stays around for a fairly long amount of time (how long exactly I haven’t decided yet) and this trend becomes pretty well-established in Larothan culture as a way for the rich to show off. It starts seeping into the fashion of the lower classes as well, as a set of plain ribbons or tassels attached to the belt.

Eventually, Laroth switches to coins without holes in them (again, Laroth has multiple currencies and not all of them did) and people started carrying their money in pockets (the medieval kind not the modern kind), purses, wallets, etc. The ribbons now end up entirely useless for carrying money, but by this point they’ve been a part of Larothan fashion for a long time and so they stick around, except since they can’t carry money it becomes entirely about the ribbons themselves.

Since they no longer have to serve a practical purpose, these evolve into many styles. Some are plain, just dyed with more expensive dyes (reds, blues, greens, purples). These are mostly worn by peasants and such. Then they get fancier with patterns and tassels and so on. Some incorporate bits of gold, silver, lumin, and other precious materials. Some have beads or glass or other decoration. Some have elements evoking the coins they once held, while others completely ignore the history of the garment and are made in ways that could never hold a coin.

They differ massively based on class, and there are many regional variants- especially since some areas did not move away from the old style of coins with holes, so they still serve their original coin-holding purpose there.


So, I've had this idea which doesn't fit in my world (I've only got humans), but I thought it was neat so here it is: Dwarves would invent bullpup firearms and here is why.

With early muzzleloading firearms, you have to reach the muzzle of the gun to be able to load it, which poses a problem for dwarves since if your gun is much taller than you it would be difficult to reach. You can't just shorten the gun, since with black powder you need a long barrel to get it to fully burn and give your ball enough power. Furthermore, a long gun would also be unwieldy inside small dwarven corridors, which would be extra important since with dwarves living underground they'd be more likely to be fighting indoors.

The solution to this is to bullpup their muskets. I'm fairly certain that there aren't any significant technological barriers to making it work, there just wasn't much reason to do so in our world. This would let them load their guns normally, without sacrificing power, and make them much easier to carry around and use indoors.

The main issues with this are that having the flashpan so close to the user's face would burn them, and the hearing loss. The flash is dealt with by that plate that sticks out beside the lock, which would hopefully deflect the explosion away from the user. The hearing loss I think could be compensated by the fact that the dwarves, having to fight indoors underground oftern, would probably have much better hearing protection much earlier than in our world.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 27 points 10 months ago

I mean this seems like an easy answer to me no? People in the past wouldn't suspect you're from the future, they'd think you were posessed or something. People in the future would be much more likely to think of time travel, plus they'd have records of old accents and stuff.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 31 points 11 months ago

Nope, sauropods were already right up against the limit of what's physically possible for a land animal on Earth. If they were that chonky they would have been too heavy and would have overheated just from their body heat.

[-] HenryWong327@lemmy.ml 47 points 1 year ago

The technology behind it isn't new, but The Thought Emporium is a Youtuber who:

1: DIY-d a genetically modified virus to cure his own lactose intolerance (successfully)

2: Is currently working on a biological computer that runs on animal neurons.

3: Has livestreams where the viewers submit ideas (like making tomatoes spicy) and he designs DNA to accomplish it.

Also he helped shut down a scam health product that contained radioactive material which isn't particularly futuristic (actually it reminds me of the "radiation is good for you" craze in the early 20th century) but I wanted to mention it anyways.


Behold, Hoid, immortal wanderer, slayer of god (participant), collector of magic... questionable interior decoration


Saw the post asking for an icon yesterday so I made this thing.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by HenryWong327@lemmy.ml to c/worldbuilding@lemmy.ml

I noticed that this community didn't have an icon so I made this one. It's probably way too high res, but I wanted to be safe since I didn't know what resolution Lemmy icons are supposed to be.

I also made a flat colour version.

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joined 1 year ago