[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 7 points 22 hours ago

Like evasive chimpanzee said we need to poop INDIRECTLY in crops. Hot aerobic composting for example has excellent nutrient retention rates and eliminates nearly all human borne diseases. The main problem would be medication since some types tend to survive.

Also urine contains almost all of the water soluble nutrients that we expel and is sanitised with 6-12 months of anaerobic storage. So that's potentially an easier solution if we can seclude the waste stream. Again the main issue would be medications.

I don't have the answer, if it was easy we would have done it already. The main issue is we don't have a lot of people working on the answer because we're still in the stage of getting everyone in the world access to sanitation. Certainly the way we're doing it is very energy and resources intensive, unsustainable in the living term, and incredibly damaging to the environment. We've broken a fundamental aspect of the nutrient cycle and we're paying dearly for it.

The other problem is, like recycling, there isn't a lot of money in the solution, so it's hard to move forward in a capitalist system until shit really hits the fan.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 48 points 1 day ago
  1. We mine and manufacture nutrient dense fertilizer at massive environmental cost.
  2. We use the nutrients to grow plants
  3. We eat the nutrients in our food
  4. We expel 95% of these nutrients in our waste
  5. We dump our waste into the rivers and oceans with all the nutrients (often we purposefully destroy the nitrogen in the waste since it causes so much damage to rivers and oceans)
  6. We need new nutrients to grow plants

Before humans there was a nutrient cycle. Now it's just a pipe from mining to the ocean that passes through us. The ecological cost of this is immeasurable, but we don't notice because fertilizer helps us feed starving people and waste management is important to avoid disease.

We need to close the loop again!

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 72 points 3 days ago

The best part about this is that UMG WMG and SMG all simultaneously went "you can't take an artist's life work and exploit it, that's unfair, it's OUR job to take an artist's life's work and exploit it"

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 10 points 3 days ago

AI isn't "like a person" it doesn't "learn like a person" it doesn't "think like a person" it's nothing like a person. It's a a machine that creates copies of whatever you put into it. It's a machine that a real person, or group of people, own. These people TAKE all the stuff everyone else created and put it into their copy machine.

In fact it's really easy to show that it's a copy machine because the less stuff you put into it the more of a direct copy you get out of it. If you put only one song, or one artist, into it then virtually everything it creates would be direct copyright infringements. If you put all of the worlds music into it the copying becomes more blurred, more complex, more interesting, and therefore more valuable.

Sure AI is a great innovation, but if someone wants to put my work into a copying machine they're going to have to acquire it from me legally.

No one is against AI, we're just against the people who own the AI machines stealing our work without paying for it.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 54 points 2 weeks ago

Not having empathy isn't enough to be evil. Just like having empathy isn't enough to be good. You need ideology.

For example, the guy who lacks empathy could use basic libertarian or anarchist ideology for why we shouldn't hurt people using logic instead of empathy.

Another example would be if you use fascist ideology you can turn empathy into a weapon for evil. The us vs them ideology requires empathy. The idea is that they are going to hurt the people you love just by existing is what dehumanizes them enough for a normal person to attack them.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 106 points 3 weeks ago

With the trucker convoy sticker and the anti-trans save our children sticker, I'd say the ods are is horrible.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Hacksaw@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

I saw a convoy of about 30 cars on the highway back in October. I looked it up and found nothing. Then I see a Reddit post in /r/vexillollogy with the same flag and no useful answers.

It's so weird that people bought like 100 of these flags and there is no info on them at all!

I flipped the picture to make the flag the right way.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 57 points 1 month ago


Only one cop was punished. His sentence was losing 60 paid vacation days, probably 2 years without vacation at his seniority.

"It is difficult for us to conceive how convictions for the mass arrests, found to be unlawful, of hundreds of individuals in contravention of their Charter rights are not at the more serious end of the spectrum of misconduct."

The panel that sentenced him admits his behaviour was heinous, but gave him such a slap on the wrist.

He argued in court that what he did was fair and it's unreasonable to expect him to have done better.

The people who were arrested and forced to stand outside in the rain without food or water for hours won a 16 million dollar class action settlement and had their records expunged. But it took nearly a decade because the police was trying to weasel out of it. A decade with a wrongful criminal record sets you back more than 16k/person.


[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 52 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Greta Thurnberg a young woman appalled by politicians watching the world burn and doing nothing, unwilling to make even the smallest sacrifice for future generations.

Kyle Rittenhouse racist proud boy who murdered black [lives matter supporters] people for fun and profit.

Yeah, I can see how they fit the bold young activist figurehead role for each side, but the juxtaposition REALLY highlights how disgusting right wing politics are.


[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 52 points 3 months ago

Maxwell's lawyers said the trial was tainted because one juror failed to disclose he had been sexually abused as a child.

The Constitution says a jury of your peers, not your victims, I demand a jury of pedo sex traffickers!

  • Ghislaine's lawyers, probably
[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 127 points 3 months ago

I love this story. From people banding together and building a sand barrier on the beach to stop the ocean. To the idea that they MUST know sandbags exist but they never considered why people don't just skip the bags and dump sand, to not one person mentioning climate change or sea level increase even though that's clearly the problem, to the one guy saying "it's mother nature you just have to accept it". 5 stars, would deny climate change and fix the problem with sand piles again.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 53 points 7 months ago

I feel this is a big win for her, she obviously suffered a horrible trauma and this website was what facilitated that.

I don't know how this is a win for the internet. This was a website that clearly said "we connect random strangers", and they did, and a fucked up thing happened as an improbable event based on human nature. It doesn't seem to be caused by some fundamental aspect of the way the website works. I don't really know how this could have been avoided. How would the website know who is a pedophile? How would the website know who is a child? I can't think of a way without fundamentally changing user identity on the internet. I'm not sure what this means for anonymous internet interactions.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 74 points 8 months ago

Breaking a hymen when you first have sex is indeed a myth, but so is the idea that sufficient arousal will prevent tearing every hymen.

Hymens come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and elasticities. They can tear from many things but most people with hymens are quite likely to experience minor tearing or bleeding the first time they have sex. That's especially true if the hymen is particularly large or thick and if you haven't torn it before the first time you had sex.

That's the last myth, even if breaking a hymen was a real thing required for sex, it doesn't say anything about virginity because many girls tear it in childhood and puberty from a variety of activities as innocuous as swimming.


submitted 11 months ago by Hacksaw@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

The laughable Bank of Canada report even includes the line

Why did this increase in markups not contribute significantly to inflation? We show that markup growth reached its highest level because of a contraction in firms’ costs [...] during the pandemic-related public health interventions

So when their costs go down they keep the prices the same and pocket the difference, BoC report verdict "profit growth without inflation". So what happens when costs go back up?

We observe a mild contribution of markup growth to inflation in 2021, partially explained by demand rebounding faster than costs. However, the fact that markup growth fell to zero the following year indicates that firms were likely smoothing out their price increases [...] rather than leveraging increases in market power.

So when the costs go back up, they pass 100% of the cost to the consumer and keep their new higher profit margins (no change in markup). BoC verdict "the inflation has nothing to do with profit growth". Amazing!

If industry follows this "price ratchet" mechanism profit margins can go to infinity "without causing inflation" according to BoC. Absolutely galaxy brain levels of economic genius.

They really think we're idiots.

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