It's been coming and going for me. YouTube makes a change, ublock counters, YouTube make another change, ublock counters again. Just make sure your extensions and browser is up to date and it will likely start working again.
Well it hasn't been hammer time since the 90s
you could safely jump in the water and swim with them!
But I can't swim
Hello fellow humans, I like digesting avian flesh. Beep boop
Tidal is also non fusion based
OP is clearly God and just trolling us. Nice try God, we're on to you
Why is that guy wearing underwear if he's just gotten out of the shower? Does he put his underwear on and then dry himself? Am I doing showers wrong?!
Put your penis in a bowl of vinegar. It'll help you find any cuts which can increase the risk of infection while also disinfecting those wounds.
But you probably shouldn't ask strangers on the Internet for medical advice or you'll end up with a pickled penis.
I would suggest framing your position in a different way. Maybe start by acknowledging that others may not choose this lifestyle but that you do it willingly and explain why you prefer it. You're coming across defensively in this thread and if you're also coming across that way in your communications with social workers I can see why they might not believe that your lifestyle is a choice.
Jokes on you, solar energy is nuclear fusion
why are you asking this on Lemmy???
Because this would be a weird LinkedIn post
The sub's implosion was probably Clippy's fault