[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 3 months ago

There is no concept of hell in the old testament. That's something the new Testament added on.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You... You think a battery is a magic physics defying substance?

I mean, I don't see capitalism beeing a way to solve the climate crisis and do belive that degrowth is going to happen (by design or desaster), but the success of renewable energy is very much a capitalism success story.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 24 points 10 months ago

but considering how many people get a large soda in the morning and sip on it all day,

I am European and this sentence broke something in my soul.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 10 months ago

Reading random studies

I searched for related studies and found this one relevant. That is not random.

you find on news sites

It's from a scientific journal tough, not a new site?

that are outside your area of expertise

While true, this is not a study about biology or medicine. It's not hard to understand for lay people.

an easy way to be led to believe something based only on parts of the truth.

That's why you read more then one study. You know, like I specifically called out that this one links to a lot of related work?

In this case, as in many, we have to rein in our judgments for what the study indicates

It indicates that republicans are more likley to belive fake news.

Just because it says it found A doesn't mean B is true.

Yes, but nobody did that here? I'm confused what you are getting at.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It doesn't answer your question completely, but apparently conservatives are more likley to belive fake news.

Here is a quote from a study with a lot of links to related works.

In particular, Grinberg, Joseph, Friedland, Swire-Thompson, and Lazer [[42], p. 374] found that “individuals most likely to engage with fake news sources were conservative leaning.” Indeed, political bias can be a more important predictor of fake news believability than conspiracy mentality [43] despite conspirational predispositions playing a key role in motivated reasoning [44]. Perhaps because of this, an important body of research has examined whether conservatism influences fake news believability [45,46]. Tellingly, Robertson, Mourão, and Thorson [47] found that in the US liberal news consumers were more aware and amenable to fact-checking sites, whereas conservatives saw them as less positive as well as less useful to them, which might be why conservative SM users are more likely to confuse bots with humans, while liberal SM users tend to confuse humans with bots [48]. In particular, those who may arguably belong to the loud, populist and extremist minority wherein “1% of individuals accounted for 80% of fake news source exposures, and 0.1% accounted for nearly 80% of fake news sources shared” ([42], p. 374).


[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

On line with the female Chess league banning Transwomen I see.


Sometimes I hate humans.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 29 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

As a rather left leaning Person I have no problem with New Trek beeing "woke" in general.

I fucking hate Discovery, to a point that I had to give up on it after season 3. Picards first 2 season where almost as bad (I like the third season, more or less).

The problem is not so much the wokeness of those series, it's that it's just bad storytelling.

The way how "woke" ideas are implemented just feels like pandering to the audience. Homosexualyity, Non Binary characters, enviromentalism... I approve representation for all of those and would have loved to see them integrated in a meaningfull way. But the way they were handled it felt wrong to me, as if they were forced into the story rather than emerging from it organicly.

Edit: I have since I posed this done some reading. While I still stand by this, I do see how Queer topic at least been handled with respect in Discovery. Still embeded in a badly told story, but hey, it's something and I see how that is not nothing.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Virtually nobody who eats meat feels guilty about it

I felt guilty about it and became a vegetarian and, once I leaned about how milk and eggs lead to death and suffering, a vegan. I have been so for 10 years plus now.

Animals are there to be food.

Yes, but only in the same sense that woman are there for the plesure and serving of men. It's a social construction and is, as it thankfully has with the perception of woman, changing.

If there was a life form that could eat me it would, and I'd have to accept that.

I don't think so. I think you'd ramble in about how unethical it is to eat a sentient beeing and how cruel this hypothetical lifeform is. Because that's how we are build. It's easiest for us to feel empathie towards our own sorry asses.

You can learn to expand your empathie tough. Start here. Watch it completely. No skipping. Then we can talk:


[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 23 points 11 months ago

The report by the special rapporteur also accuses Palestinian militias, including those involved in the October 7 massacres in Israel, of violating human rights. Albanese states that the Israeli occupation and the Gaza blockade does not justify the actions of Palestinian armed groups. The report further implies that their indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and children can be viewed as war crimes. However, the report concludes that Israel’s brutal reprisals on Gaza’s densely populated residential areas also cannot be justified.

This sums up this whole mess rather well.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I know you are making fun and all, but things like this are indeed reproduced.

Basicly it's a process of cultural and collective copy and pasting, where media and indivulas reproduce a concept by either activly using it (or not) or passives acepting it.

It's a bit more complex than that, but you probably get the idea.

[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 11 months ago


82 % Der Deutschen sind der Meinung, dass Klima nicht das Wichtigste oder Zweitwichtigste Thema ist.


[-] Gloomy@discuss.tchncs.de 33 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Ich war ziemlich schockiert, als ich das gestern gelesen habe, weil es mir vor Augen geführt hat, wie sehr ich in einer Bubble lebe. In meinem Umfeld ist das Thema Klima sehr präsent. Anscheinend nur dort.

Ich beschäftige mich jetzt seit mindestens drei Jahren intensiv mit dem Thema Klimawandel (als Laie), höre Podcasts, lese Berichte und Orginalstudien, etc. und halte die Klimakrise für das wichtigste Thema der Menschheit. Mit Abstand. Weil so viel davon abhängt, wie gut oder schlecht wir damit umgehen.

Und dann sieht man sowas... 82 % der Bevölkerung halten das Thema nicht für relevant. Und in ganz Europa werden die Menschen, die dagegen protestieren und versuche, ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen, kriminalisiert und mit Terroristen gleichgesetzt, drakonisch bestraft (siehe z.B. GB, wo zwei friedliche Aktivisten zu je drei Jahren verurteilt wurden) und in gesellschaftlichen Diskurs egal ob durch Medien oder Politik nur als Störenfriede gelabelt.

Ich fange langsam an jegliche Hoffnung zu verlieren. Meine Kinder werden in einer von rechten Arschlöchern regierten und von Hitze, Dürre, Wasserknappheit und Multikrisen zerrissenen Welt aufwachsen und es macht mich bitter und traurig das wir da sehenden Auges reinrennen.

Musste raus. Sry fürs rumgedoome.

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