[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 3 weeks ago

The damages a small group of people can do to a few gas pumps is far far less than the damages they are trying to prevent. It's terrorism in your head because the corporations are operating "business as usual", but business as usual for a lot of industries is eco or economic terrorism on a mass scale. If rules only exist for the poor, we need to find a way for society to course correct those who will continue to do the world harm.

How else can we make a difference? Calling a representative? Voting? Sure, but our voices are farts in the wind compared to ThE aLmIgHtY pRoFiT mArGiN, even for politicians

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 3 weeks ago

Or it wasn't added to the system correctly, causing issues at checkout

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 1 month ago

I work in tech. Most people I work with pick their own hours but are in office during core hours (10-4), some (like me) will do a pretty strict 9-5, I've seen some do 6-6 (eew). There's def a type of people who do more hours to try and get ahead or impress, but I don't think it's worth it.

I think if I ever worked somewhere with strict arrival or departure requirements I would leave. I'm an adult and work will get done, too much external control will strangle that.

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 1 month ago

Actually it's a little funny, Clark

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 1 month ago

Gotta pay for 35 layers of marketing team and CEO salaries between farm and cafeteria I guess. This shit needs to change

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 1 month ago

I was in the same place 2 months ago. The first month after I quit was healing. I eventually looked back and realized it was the company, not the career, that was toxic. I don't regret quitting, it was kinda sudden but boy I was gonna burst if I had to go back one more day. Job market seems dry AF right now, but oddly I got 4 calls today out of the blue.

Luck and healing homie

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 1 month ago

This is some darn good advice right here ⭐

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 2 months ago

I checked because I just knew the one comment would be this, I'm not disappointed :)

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 3 months ago

I've always loved TNG, it was on the TV when I was growing up and spent a lot of time watching things. I hadn't checked out anything other than TNG until late last year, but I'm now obsessed. DS9 was amazing, Voyager is currently amazing me, Picard (different flavor of show but still hit well for the most part), lower decks, disco, snw all are amazing too.

I think Deep Space Rhapsody is one of my favorite episodes of television I've ever seen. That's just like, my opinion, man.

Looking forward to short treks and enterprise, then finally the 4k ai upscaled version of TOS (saving for last idk why)

I even have model kits of Voyager and the Defiant on the way <3

What should I get into next? Orville? Battlestar? The Expanse?

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 5 months ago

But you can, there's literally no one judging the individual words you choose to use in non (purposefully) offensive ways... Oh wait

Language is fluid, it changes over time. Trying to lock down something so strictly that it offends you if it's used in a way you're not familiar or comfortable with seems to me like exactly what you're trying to to fight. Sexuality is fluid and can change over time, you wouldn't be upset if someone wanted to change their pronouns, so let's let the entirety of humanity decide to change the definition of a word.

Honestly, you do you booboo. Pick the fights you want to fight, but I get the feeling a lot of people disagree with you. I hope some day you live in the world you envision your happiness, because you deserve it. I just hope your version of happiness isn't forcing everyone into your box

[-] Glitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 5 months ago

That's my wife. Fibro sucks

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