[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 7 points 11 months ago

Again? I thought this happened already? What's different about this one?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

Calvin and Hobbes is not good.

It's not deep. It's not clever. It's not funny or timeless. On the contrary, it's very much of its time, and that time is getting further and further, not closer.

That being said, it's not BAD. It's poignant, sure. It's occasionally witty. But by and large it seems to be the Peanuts of Gen X-Z insofar as I've consigned myself to the likelihood of seeing these tired tropes and oversaturated characters and outdated observations for the rest of my life, drenched in commercialism, paraded in front of me against the creator's wishes, ad nauseum.

Edit: It's apparently worth clarifying what I meant here. The comic itself is not "drenched in commercialism", but the overhyped greatness of it (which is the crux of my undoubtedly unpopular opinion - and again, I dont think it's a BAD comic, necessarily, just overrated) will lead to this commercialisation as soon as the chance arises for shitty companies to defy the creator's will in pursuit of the almighty dollar, and I'm dreading this since I already see plenty of unwarranted (albeit not necessarily undeserved) C&H glorification as is.

We as a culture have had enough C&H. We can put it away now. Yes, just there, on the shelf next to edgy Alice in Wonderland reimaginings. Perfect, thanks.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 8 points 11 months ago

We've hunted species to extinction for less. Why would this be any different?

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 12 points 11 months ago

I see what you're attempting but you saying they're pariahs doesn't make it so. Most don't even recognize these names - hell, I certainly didn't.

submitted 11 months ago by EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml to c/3ds@lemmy.world

Look man, I just reposted this from you know where 'cos I like BD and we need the content. Scream about reposting from there if you want.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 20 points 11 months ago

There's a Pratchett quote that goes something like,

"In a universe so full of wonders, it's a marvel that humans invented boredom."

Your post reminded me of that.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 19 points 11 months ago

More varied formalwear than "suit with some superficial variations" (tux, 2- or 3-piece, colors, tie variety). Broader range of styles.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 26 points 11 months ago

What colour would you like your dragon?

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 7 points 11 months ago

Well, let's not exaggerate here. Surely it's saved you no more than ten of them.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 17 points 11 months ago

I think you win just for originality and not "witnessed very violent happening."

Not that violence isn't fucked up, too, but...Jesus.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 11 points 11 months ago

"Hi, I'm a guy in early thirties--"

Well there's your answer.

submitted 11 months ago by EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml to c/dwarffortress@lemmy.ml
[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 6 points 11 months ago

I certainly do. Sometimes I have to get over the hump to actually GO to the gym on workout days but I've never once (well, okay, one workout I had one time after going regularly for years did leave me unsatisfied - I will admit that) finished up a workout and been like "what a goddamn waste of time and energy".

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 8 points 11 months ago

For putting trash in.

[-] EtnaAtsume@lemmy.ml 6 points 11 months ago

Aldi generics overall tbh

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